Tf2 - Part 6

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Sniper walked over to you and let his arm fall out in front of you, smiling. You smiled back and grabbed onto his hand. He pulled you up gently and you stood in front of him.
'I'll show ya to the bedroom.' Sniper said casually, smiling, and leading you down the hallway you were looking at before. You avoided some clothes and sniper rifles along the way. 'I would appreciate it if you didn't really mind the mess, hon.' Sniper said with a slightly worried but husky voice.
'Doesn't matter to me, Snipe.' You said confidently and smiled, still following the outback scented man.
'Oh, that's really kind of ya, love.' Sniper said smiling and tilting his head back a little. After a few seconds you two arrived at a big room near the end of the hallway. Sniper opened the door and you looked through the doorway standing right in front of him. Feeling him against your back as you analysed the nice wooden room. There are a few pin-up girls on the wall, but you didn't mind. You saw a big queen sized bed pushed to the corner of the room, avoiding more piles of hats, clothes, bottles and bullets. There is even a nightstand next to the bed. And a table in the middle of the room with a small, wooden stool. You stepped in and Sniper shut the door behind him, you sat on the side of the bed. Watching Sniper as he walked over to you and sat on the bed next to you. He tilts his body on the bed to face you.
'Ready to go ta bed?' Sniper whispers in his nice, kind Australian voice. You nod and lay back, watching Sniper lay back as well. The rush of air when he hit the mattress made you smell the pure country. It smelt very nice and you felt completely safe. He scoots closer to you and wraps his arm around you protectively. You snuggle into his chest and close your eyes. You feel a blanket being gently tossed over you two. Soon after, Sniper places his hat over his face to block out any excess light, smiling. You go for something you've had on your mind for a while. You quickly place a soft kiss on his cheek next to his dark brown sideburn. You smile as you feel him hold you closer. Sniper smiled and had his eyes closed, thinking about Selena... The whole night.
[The Next Morning]
You woke up slowly, stretching and realising Sniper was out of bed. You slowly hop out of the covers and sit up on the side of the bed. Then you notice Sniper standing at the door.
'C'mon, love! Get ready! We've got the battle today!' His early morning Australian voice made you melt inside, eyes half open and staring at him, smiling.
'Ok...' You say half asleep.
'You still tired love?' You nod your head slowly. 'Well, hon. You're gonna have to get used to waking up at this time.' His voice lowered as he walked up to the bed, standing in front of you. Looking down into your eyes past his shades. 'C'mon, the battlin' starts soon!' Sniper says grabbing your hand and lifting you up, making you stare into his eyes as he stands before you. 'Go wash your face ta wake yourself up. I'll be out the apartment door waitin'. The bathroom is the room across this 'ere room.' He smiles, turns and walks to the door. He opens it, and shuts it gently behind him without looking back. He walks down the hallway and out the door into the corridor where Medic, Heavy, and Scout are still playing their card game, really? All night? You smile and walk out the door, and walk into the room across the hall. You quickly splash your face with water and wipe your face with the towel next to you. You stop when you smell Sniper's scent on the towel, and kept breathing in the scent. You felt as if you were falling in love with him. You smile and finally get yourself to stop, turn around, and walk out the door and into the hallway. But you stop when you reach the apartment door because you hear voices outside it, you step closer to it and press your ear against the door.
'Snipes, you know you don't got a chance wit that girl, haha, you do know dat, right?' You heard Scout speaking.
'Oh piss off you mongrel! She is a "lady" not a girl!' Sniper scolded at Scout angrily. Putting emphasis on the word "lady".
'Ja! A lady zhat is so over class zhe couldn't fall for you!' Medic yelled almost laughing, teasing Sniper.
'Quit blubbering and take your medicine like a man! And go piss off! All a you!' Sniper yelled at them, but he wasn't mad at Heavy, because he didn't do anything. He might be a big man, but he still has feelings. You believe Sniper stomped off down the hallway, because everyone went silent, except for a few quiet comments that they made to each other. Which you couldn't quite hear. You open the door, and started running down the hall towards Sniper, shutting the door along the way. You hear some gasps and laughter behind you through the hallway. Then you see Sniper more clearly up the hall clutching his hands into fists.
'Bastards.' You hear Sniper scold to himself in his deep husky voice, under his breath.

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