Tf2 - Part 11

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After a couple of minutes, everyone had gotten tired. Each one of the mercenaries thanked you while leaving out the door. In this time you definitely connected with the team. You talked to some of them for a bit, and found out quite a lot about them. Not everyone though. Which is why you want to look for the one person you haven't spoken to yet. You pack up some things people left out and stepped out of the door, shutting it. You start walking down the hallway to Spy's room. As he is the one you haven't talked to yet. With a smile on your face, you knock on his door twice. You waited for a few seconds, but come to realise he must be out somewhere else. Which was weird because everyone else went to bed. You turned around with a confused look, but started heading off down the hallway again. You searched down the dimly lit corridor, walking past others doors and your Gaming Room. You peak around a bend in the path and see Spy leaning his forehead against the wall, swaying slightly. You tilt your head a little in confusion. You start walking over to him with a little caution.
'Spy?' You ask quietly, not wanting to wake the other mercenaries. There is no response. You start slowing your pace even more, you can feel your heart beating faster. 'Spy?' You ask a little louder.
'Hm?' His voice replies in a quiet tone. You take a sigh of relief that he answered.
'What are you doing? Is something wrong?' You ask stepping to his side, you see half of his balaclava covered face. His eyes are half open and he's showing a very odd expression. Well, it makes you feel odd as you have never seen him like this.
'No.' Spy's French voice was quiet and sounded emotionless.
'There has to be something wrong. I've never seen you like this.' You say. Spy turns around and looks you directly in the eye.
'You've only known me for over a day.' He raises his hand and points at you while saying this. His tone was a little harsh. He sighs and slides down the wall, to sit on the path. You sit down in front of him on the path as well.
'Tell me what's wrong.' You requested quietly.
'You won't be able to help.' Spy turns his head and places it on the wall behind him.
'Just give me a shot, please.' You say.
'Like I said, you can't help... especially you.' The last part was hard for you to hear.
'Excuse me?' You ask.
'Nothing. What are you doing up?' Spy asks turning his head and looking at you.
'Just wanted to chat... to you. Since I didn't get a chance at the Gaming Room.' You reply shrugging.
'Hm.' Spy said, not as if he's thinking. But whenever he made that noise it's like his way of saying "ok".
'So, what are you doing up?' You ask.
'I've been having trouble sleeping for years.' He said as if it didn't mean anything.
'Do you know the cause?' You ask cautiously.
'Indeed.' Spy simply replies.
'Could you tell me?' You ask. There is a pause.
'Why so many questions? This has nothing to do with you.' Spy gets up. You quickly get up in front of him.
'Tell me what's wrong and I will try my best to help.' You say sternly but quietly. Spy gives you a stare, then tries to walk past, but you stop him by putting both your hands on either side of him on the wall.
'Let me out, Selena.' Spy says staring into your eyes.
'No.' You reply tilting your head a little, staring back into his eyes. Spy narrows his eyes...
'Why do you want to know? Do you have something against me?' Spy asks.
'What? No!' You are cut off by Spy placing his finger to your lips.
'Don't be too loud now.' He says. You remove his finger from your lips.
'Tell me, Spy.' You request with the sincerest voice. Spy looks up and sighs.
'Fine.' Spy says before you take a step back, giving him some space.
'It's something relating to a taunt the Red team's members have been giving me.' Spy says lowering his voice a little. You have on a serious face as you stand in front of him.
'I'm listening.' You say politely.
'They have caught on to calling me a "snake" because I'm sneaky.' Spy twitches his head a little as if it hurts him to tell you this. Your eyebrows raised, knowing this will not be good.
'My father died from a snake bite when I was 7.' Spy kept his eyes closed the whole time. Closed shut. You start to feel his pain. It was just this strong feeling you sometimes get around sad or physically hurt people.
'I'm so sorry.' You whisper as you step closer, rubbing his arm.
'Don't be.' Spy said looking into your eyes. 'It takes me a while to go to sleep at night, but I just wait it out until I get too sleepy to ignore it.' Spy gives a light smile, then turns around and places his forehead against the wall again. You smile for a second. Then try to think of a way to make him feel better. A pause becomes obvious between you two. Then you had an idea. You stand directly behind Spy and wrap your arms around his waist, twining your fingers. You just hope to God he won't feel too awkward with you doing this. He makes a noise which you believe is a small laugh.
'What are you doing?' He asks with a soft tone.
'I have no idea.' You said giggling a little.
'Medic once said that exact sentence. I believe it was the first time Medic used an übercharge on le Heavy.' Spy said softly, as he stared at the wall. 'Wait I think that was the Red team's Heavy...' The sudden change of tone from Spy made you laugh a little. He smiled and held your hands as they were wrapped around him. Spy then turns around slowly and narrowed his eyes. Not in an intimidating way, but in a way that looked strange, and... Luring.
'What's happening?' You asked quietly.
'I have no idea.' Spy replied. His eyes are half way open, he looks so-
[BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP]. Spy looks at his second watch, then annoyingly sighs. 'We have to get ready for the battle in a few minutes.' You nodded and stepped back. Spy picks up your hand and politely placed a kiss on it. You smile as you watch him place your hand back down. Spy winks and walks off up the hallway. You smile heaps and walk to your room up the hall. You turn the corner and bump into someone. Someone strong. Though the person did not even move. You look up and notice the helmet covered face of Soldier.
'Oh sorry Soldier. So sorry.' You felt a little scared of Soldier because he's such a tough manly man, and seeing him resell with Demo so rough makes you feel a little weird around him.
'It's alright private! Don't be so worried.' His tough voice always makes it sound like he's yelling.
'Ok, better start getting ready for battle. See you Soldier.' You kindly but awkwardly say as you leave. Soldier starts marching to his bedroom to preferably do the same.

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