Tf2 - Part 7

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You manage to catch up to Sniper, and tap him on the shoulder. He jumps a little in surprise (even though he uses a sniper rifle regularly) and turns around with a fist raised, and an angry face. But it disappears slowly once he sees a horrified Selena looking at him. Sniper lowers his fist and takes his head down, sighing.
'Oh, I'm sorry, hon. I thought you were one a the blokes.' Sniper says in an embarrassed, and sort of weak voice. You catch your breath after the running and the mild accidental Sniper fright.
'It's alright, Snipe. I should a said something before I tapped your shoulder.' You say looking behind Sniper's tinted shades. Sniper nods his head slowly, but he still feels angry inside about how he threatened you accidentally. You pick up on his emotions.
'Hey, hey.' You say with a caring tone. 'It's not your fault, and plus I should get used to freaking people out.' You make a nervous laugh. 'You know, out on the battlefield.' Sniper lifts his head to yours with a half smile. Sniper then looks past you and sees Medic, Heavy, and Scout walking up the hall towards you two. Luckily they were talking to each other so they didn't notice you two are right there, a few meters away. But Sniper still wanted to get out quick before they saw you guys.
'Time ta go, hon!' Sniper whispered to you in his deep, husky voice as he smiled. You smile, then feel his hand grab hold of yours, Sniper and you start walking up the hall towards the big double doors at the entry. You two make it there and Sniper pushes open the doors, and walks out with you, letting go of your hand as he sees the rest of the team lined up, facing the other way. You heard Soldier's loud voice in front of the lined up team. You and Sniper sneak into open parts of the line and stood up straight as the other team members were. You tilted your head a little as you hear Soldier.
'Alright, ladies! Remember what I said about the formation? Well you better, because otherwise I'll claw my way into your throats and tear out your own soul! Formations are important ladies! So do exactly what I said and you'll be fine!' Hearing Soldier ramble on about this "formation" made you sigh in relief, as you knew he didn't see Sniper and you get in late. Then you think about this "formation" and hope Sniper knows what it is, so you poke your head out of the line a little and look at Sniper with a confused, worried face. He sees you and shrugs with a slight confused face as well. Then you feel your head get forcefully pushed back by a large, strong hand. You turn your head back to see Solder's face, you guessed he was angry? Hard to tell with half his face covered by an oversized helmet. How the heck does he see?
'Are... You paying attention, cupcake?!' Soldier asks in his loud, demanding Canadian voice.
'Ah, yes... Sir.' You say nervously, hoping he doesn't quiz you on anything.
'Say it like you mean it, sweetheart!' Soldier said putting a teasing tone in the word "sweetheart".
'Yes, sir!' You yell standing upright and looking over his head. Soldier grins a little and slaps you on the shoulder. You urge yourself not to wipe his hand off in fright.
'That's what I like to hear!' He says happily, but pretty loudly. 'Alright!' Soldier steps back away from you and walks up and down the line slowly as he speaks.
'Did everyone hear that?' Soldier said stopping, lowering his voice and putting his hand up to his ear. This caused the rest of the team to listen intently for a sound, some looking around, and some leaning forward a little trying to hear what Soldier hears. Then all of a sudden everyone hears Soldier breaking the silence. 'Maggots!!!' He yells as loud as he can, causing everyone to jump, stand straight up, and catch their breath of the panic, some with widened eyes, some with angry looks at Soldier with annoyance. (Spy). Soldier slaps his knee as he chuckles loudly. Then he stops, stands up straight, and brushes himself off quickly.
'Battle begins in 60 seconds! Everyone get in your positions and get ready for war!' Soldier yells with some excitement in his voice. You always knew he enjoyed war. Everyone rushes off to their spots, being very familiar with where they are. Since you are new, you had no idea where to go, you turn and saw Sniper quickly walking to this massive ladder, leaning against a really tall, dark, wooden pole.
'Hey, Snipe!' You catch him just in time as he was on the first stepping but of the ladder, he looks down a little to meet your eyes. He looked pretty serious. Which made you melt a little. 'Where do I go?' You ask raising your hands in a confused gesture.
'Anywhere 'round the base and out of enemy sight, hon.' Sniper said smiling, and threw you a pistol, before continuing to climb the ladder. You looked up, and about 30 feet high is a dark platformed shed type thing leaning on a near-by tree branch, the ladder is very steep, which made you feel butterflies. No wonder Sniper is so lanky, thin and strong, having to climb up that ladder almost every day. Man.
'10 seconds until battle begins!' You hear Soldier cry out, reminding everyone. And thank god he did, because you had trailed off for too long thinking about Sniper. You get a little panicked and turn around, running off to a spot where you think is OK to stay for a second. The bushes and twigs covered a lot of vision from the outside. You smiled at how safe you felt. You tightly held onto the pistol Sniper gave to you and took in a breath, counting down the seconds remaining.

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