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I've been on edge since they found Gai.

Can you blame me really?

Gai was my best friend and an amazingly powerful opponent.

He's dead.

They say there wasn't much of a struggle. Just *slice*


And just last night I returned from a mission. And something had happened in the Hyuga compound. No one would tell me what happened. Even Tsunade was there.

But no one would let me in.

And then I saw Hanabi. Just standing there, eyes locked on her home. No. Pearl eyes glazed over and staring past her home.

Her lips were moving so I leaned in close to listen.

"He couldn't just stop with Neji nii-san... He had to defeat us all.." She was mumbling, was she even aware of her surroundings? She was so out of it, muttering strangely.

I was going to try and catch her attention, her words disturbed me, when she froze, mechanically turning to stare directly at me with those dead-like opal eyes.

"I'm next..."

She caught me off guard, the words clogging behind my teeth as I stared back in fear. But I was a high ranking ninja so I easily composed myself again, ready to ask what she meant. I was cut off as two ANBU flickered into focus on either of her sides before grabbing the Hyuga girl and transporting away.

I was left in confusion and a seed of fear in my heart.

That seed of burning hot paranoia grew in the night, blossoming the moment the sun was down and the darkness streached the expanse of Earth.

And it was night right now.

As I lay in bed, eyes closed and on my side, the seed awakened.

Of course I wasn't asleep yet. How could I?

I had heard the rumors of what happened in the Hyuga compound. And they finally identified Gai's killer.

It was Rock Lee.

And he was still out there.

I shook my shock of gray hair, groaning irritably. This was ridiculous, I had nothing to fear. I needed to get to sleep, I had a mission in the morning.

Knock, knock

My body seized and my whole being ran cold, eyes snapping open.

Someone was knocking. It sounded hollow, muffled more than a door is. It was coming from the window.

The one right behind me.

My body stayed rigid as it refused to run and I refused to turn around. It was Lee. He had come for me.

He was going to break through my window

and kill me just like he did Gai.

Nothing moved, I hardly even breathed. I was waiting for it. For my end.


Slowly, gradually, my muscles relaxed again and my mind cleared of the cloud my budding fear produced. I was rational again.

It was probably just the trees against my window. I'm just so high strung right now that I'm hearing things. It was actually branch scratching, not knocking. Or maybe it was nothing at all. Maybe I had drifted off into a dream and dreamt of a knock and it woke me.

That calmed me. I closed my eyes again.

Knock, knock

The terror in my heart bloomed, realeasing it's own cloud that fogged my brain.

That was definately a knock.

I wasn't dreaming.

Someone was knocking on my window.

Breath became rapid, coming out in puffs as the flower burned cold throughout my chest.

It's okay, it's probably just some kids trying to mess with me. I won't turn and give them the satisfaction of waking me.

I forced my eyes closed once more.

If the glass breaks, I'll run.

I repeated this promise to myself over and over, steadying my nerves.

Knock, knock

Ignore them. If I ignore them long enough, they'll lose interest and leave.

If the glass breaks, I'll run.

Knock, knock

If the glass breaks, I'll run.

Knock, knock

If the glass breaks I'll run if the glass breaks I'll run If the glass breaks I'll run if the glass breaks I'll run.

If the glass breaks...

Knock, knock

I wasn't afraid anymore.

I was angry and annoyed.

Knock... knock

I flung off the sheets and whipped around in one motion, face twisted in fury.


The terror swelled, blooming to it's fullest, unchecked.

My eyes widened.


There, standing in the dark of my room, was Rock Lee, glistening white teeth sparkling through the dimness in a trademark, blinding smile. I looked towards the window.

He had his knuckles against the glass.

He had been knocking on my window the whole time.

But from

the inside.

He moved his knuckles against the cool glass one more time as the vines of my fear trapped me where I sat.



Youthful Insanity (A Rock Lee fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now