After all the drama about that mean guy you walk home
"Why are you following me?"
"I'm not following you I live here min yoongi"
"Yah!dont call me by my first and last name your not my family you aren't even my friend"
"You don't have to be so rude" you mumble
"Are you talking about me"
"Let's just not talk at all alright?"
"Whatever "
You get home and see he is still walking until he starts to turn
"Hey min yoongi are you blind or are you going to break into my new neighbors house"
"What are you talking about I live here duh"
"Wait then your my new neighbor?!?!
"Yah sure whatever it's not like we're going to talk to each other I'd never be seen in public talking to you"
"What's that supposed to mean"
"It's supposed to mean I don't like you"
"Tch I don't like you either min yoongi"
"Whatever I don't want you to like me"
He slams his front door shut and opens it again and mouths "fuck you"
"What a jerk"
You go inside your house also slamming the door
"Y/n why are you slamming the door!"
"Oh sorry"
"Yeah well you better be sorry help me with dinner"
"Why are you making so much food today?"
"Because I invited the new neighbor over for dinner and since he just moved in he probably hasn't got to go shopping"
"You invited who now!?"
"do you have a problem with my idea?"
"No nevermind but I'm not coming down stairs to eat today"
"Oh yes you are it would be rude not to so I expect you here"
"Ugh fine I'll be in my room"
You walk upstairs and instead of stomping up the stairs and slamming your door which is what you wanted to do you walked and shut your door quietly
"I can't believe this I have to see that jerk at my table I think I lost my appetite just thinking about him"
You hear knocking on the door and walk downstairs
"I'll get it y/n.Hello?oh mr.min yoongi we've been waiting please have a seat my younger sister will be here right now"
"Y/n come down here!"
"Do I have to"
You walk downstairs to see min yoongi sitting on the couch staring at you then he starts to laugh
"Nice look"he says
"What are you talking about"
You look in the mirror to see what was so funny and of course your wearing some of your dads sweatpants which are baggy on you and a shirt so thin it's see through you quickly cover your chest and run into your room

My love min yoongi [min yoongi ff ] reader x yoongi
RomanceYoongi hates you and you hate him one day you both develop feelings for each other after yoongi does something things take a good turn for your relationship until you can both say "I love you" too each other and so on