You wake up and look at yoongi to see he's still sleeping you check the time it's six a.m. right now you walk downstairs since you can't sleep anymore you sit on the couch and watch some cartoons from when you were little right now you were watching f/c/s (favorite childhood show)
You get to a funny part where you laugh so hard you can't even here yoongi come downstairs as he wraps his arms around your shoulders from behind
"AH!" You yell
"Aish to loud" he says as he pecks your lips
"Ah it's just you" you exhale while saying
"Just me? But I'm your boyfriend you should be saying "hello my eternal love" or "you are my yooniverse yoongi" or something like that"
"I'm sorry my love and yes you are very much so my entire world and yooniverse you giggle at the pun he made
He laid his head on your lap while you gently play with his hair he starts to sit up and hugs you practically straddling you
"Yoongi what's wrong?" You ask
"Nothing I just love you I hope we never get separated"he said
"I love you too yoongi"
He starts to kiss you and slowly lays you down on the couch he bites your lip asking for entrance you slightly part your lips for him as his hand slowly sneaks under your shirt pulling it up enough to see your bra you too were so busy kissing that you didn't realize it'd been three hours since you started
You guys didn't notice tae and j.r. watching you two the whole time until tae sneezed you and yoongi both jump as you realize the situation your in let's see yoongi and you are both sweating like crazy your shirt is completely off and your pants are unbuttoned while yoongi's shirt is off along with his pants
You both grab a nearby blanket and cover yourself up with it as yoongi covers you more then him
"U-m w-we are s-sor-sorry to inter- interrupt you two" tae said as his fave was red and a look of shock was spread across his face
"Y-Yeah" j.r. Says but he looks more normal then tae I mean everyone knows taes not from this planet right?
"It's fine" Yoongi says calmly as your eyes widen
"Besides she mine anyway it's not like you two are getting any"he says
"You like what you see don't you j.r. You love the way my girlfriend looks like this right?"
"Well to bad cause she will never be yours"
"Yoongi I think w-we should g-go back n-now"
You said as you and yoongi walk up the stairs quietly and awkwardly until you get inside your room
You both lay down and Immediately fall asleep not caring about sleeping the whole day or anything
A/n: so... I decided to try something new which was smut but I just couldn't handle it so it ended up like this I will eventually get to a smut chapter (if I can handle it) and I'm sorry I barely update but I promise I will update as soon as possible

My love min yoongi [min yoongi ff ] reader x yoongi
RomanceYoongi hates you and you hate him one day you both develop feelings for each other after yoongi does something things take a good turn for your relationship until you can both say "I love you" too each other and so on