You wake up to your alarm and permanently turn it off because it's the last day of school! Your super excited mostly because there's no waking up early but especially because you can spend time with yoongi 24/7 you walk over to the kitchen where you see Jin and tae sitting down
"Good morning y/n are you all packed yet?"
"What do you mean all packed?" You say panicking
"We're going to Daegu remember?"
"For how long?"you say worryingly
"The whole summer why?"
"Oh no tae I can't go I want to hang out at yoongi's hous-"
"Y/n look I don't hate yoongi in fact I like him but I still wouldn't let you two stay alone together in a room especially if something like last time happens"
You get a bit embarrassed that he remembers that
"Ok but at least let me say goodbye to him"
"Ok go"
"Thank you tae"
You run over to yoongi's rininging the door bell until he answers
"Oh hey y/-" You immediately hug and kiss him
"Y/n? What's wrong why are you so clingy today did something happen?"
"Yoongi I'm sorry I have to leave to Daegu today for the rest of the summer"
"I'm so sorry I love you"You say starting to tear up because you guys won't see each other for a while
"Hmmm it's ok y/n "
"W-what?you think it's ok we won't see each other for three months?"
"No of course not because I'm coming with you"
"What!? But my brothe-"
"It's ok I'll convince him"you smile and wipe your tears when your walking back to your house with yoongi holding your hand
"Oh hey yoongi we're leaving soon so you better go"You hear your brother call from the living room
Then you smile and tae looks at you like your crazy for liking having to leave your boyfriend
"He's coming with us tae Oppa~"You say trying to persuade him with aegyo
"Ugh fine y/n but no funny business at night especially since you two will sleep in the same bed"
"Ok Taehyung-ssi Oppa~"
"You can stop with the aegyo now I'm persuaded don't worry"

My love min yoongi [min yoongi ff ] reader x yoongi
RomantikYoongi hates you and you hate him one day you both develop feelings for each other after yoongi does something things take a good turn for your relationship until you can both say "I love you" too each other and so on