You wake up to Taehyung vacuuming and dusting at the same time
"Tae what are you doing?" You groan from tiredness
"I have to clean every inch and corner of this house in an hour"
"Well can you clean elsewhere I don't want yoongi to wake up you know what he's like if he gets woken up by force"you say warningly
Tae squeals scaredly and says "thanks for the warning y/n" be fore running out of the room as quietly as he could
"Y/n.."a low raspy voice says which makes it obvious it's yoongi's
"What's wrong babe?"
"I want pet names"
"What type of pet name do you want?"
"I want you to call me oppa please"
"Please y/n with a cherry on top" he pleads scrunching up his nose which he knew you couldn't resist
"Fine"you sigh
"Fine What?" He smirks
"Fine oppa"You say admitting defeat at the same time
"Alright then what do you want me to call you y/n"
"Um I don't know anything I guess"
"Alright them it's settled your pet name is kitten"
You internally scream at the pet name you've only seen in fanfics
"Cmon kitten lets go eat"
You sigh at the pet name which you just knew he would flaunt to jr. You also knew the only reason he wanted them was because of jr. You thought as you walked out of your room into the kitchen
"Good morning y/n and yoongi" tae and jr. Say apparently Jin left after we didn't come back down
"Morning" you and yoongi say in sync giggling after and then kissing
"Ew get a room" tae says
"I'll think about, meanwhile you haven't said good morning to me yet" Yoongi said to you
"But since I'm nice I'll say good morning to you first good morning kitten~~~"
"What the fuck did he just say....." tae says with a look of shock and suprise on his face
"I said good morning kitten~~~~"
You blush when he says that in front of your brother and jr.
"G-g-good morn-ning o-o-oppa"
"What was that I didn't hear you~" he said teasingly in aegyo
"G-GOOD M-M-ORNING O-O-OPPA" you yell getting all eyes on your flustered red face
"Good kitten" Yoongi says patting your head softly
"Look I don't know what da fuck that was but that was kinky as fuck" You turned your head towards the door to see your childhood friend aeri
Sorry this is all about pet names im currently at school so I promise I will write something of various topics nextime bai~~~

My love min yoongi [min yoongi ff ] reader x yoongi
RomanceYoongi hates you and you hate him one day you both develop feelings for each other after yoongi does something things take a good turn for your relationship until you can both say "I love you" too each other and so on