You put on a white shirt with a red skirt and black boots
"Ok y/n you have to look good today your dads gonna meet yoongi"
You hear the doorbell after you change and race down to open the door but tae beats you too it
"Dad?your back!" Tae and your dad hug before Dad sees you and looks at you
"Y/n is that you? Your so beutiful and skinny have you been eating enough?"
"Yes Dad don't worry" then right after you hear the doorbell ring you open the door to yoongi
"Hey y/n"
"Hey yoongi"
"Dad that y/n's boyfriend yoongi you should have see there were a lot,of hickeys on her neck and they locked the door while inside y/n's room and they were kissing in front of me and Jin"
Dad looked at my neck and didn't see any hickeys thank god I covered them with makeup
"See Dad go get a wet rag and wash her neck and you'll see" your dad got a rag and wiped your neck until all the hickeys were visible
"Y/n what have you been doing with this boy while I was gone......?" Your Dad said it full of disappointment for you
And then this happend......
"YOU STUPID BOY HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY DAUGHTER ILL KILL YOU " Your Dad pretty much went psycho he picked yoongi up by the collar and shoved him against the door and swung a punch as soon as he was about to hit yoongi I got between them and Dad hit me instead
"Y/n NO" you heard yoongi yell while your dad looked at his fist with disgust and disappointment
Yoongi picked you up bridal style and laid you on the couch
"Y/n I'm so sorry my precious daughter"
"Y/n? Wake up wake up please wake up" you could hear yoongi pleading you to wake up so you did
"Yoongi I love you so much I realized the feeling I have is love for you"
"I love you to y/n I love you so fucking much"
"I would take a million more punches for you not because you saved me because I love you"
"I know y/n you are my love"
"My love..."
"You are my love too yoongi"
You two were both crying while tae sat on the couch worrying and Dad sat feeling guilty
Yoongi leaned in for a kiss and you two shared a long kiss not a short practice fake one a passionate one full of love
Yoongi picked you up bridal style again and took you up stairs as soon as yoongi was half way done tae took Dad and winked at me before they left
Yoongi layed you down on your bed and beforehand you knew it you were in bed with yoongi doing something you've never experienced before him kissing you passionately and slowly
Then something really really hurt so much you though you were going to die
"Owwwwww ow ow ow ow it hurts"
"I know my love only a little bit longer"
"Do you wanna know what happens when people love each other y/n?"
"You trust each other"
Before you knew it you found your self enjoy what was happening you'd have to ask him how this worked you wanted to know how does pain turn to happiness
"Yoongi I have so many questions but I won't ask because I trust you"
"I trust you too y/n the one and only y/n and also my love"
A/n: maybe it's not mature enough but I don't want people going yuck gross I'm outta here never reading this again so yeah........

My love min yoongi [min yoongi ff ] reader x yoongi
RomansaYoongi hates you and you hate him one day you both develop feelings for each other after yoongi does something things take a good turn for your relationship until you can both say "I love you" too each other and so on