Yoongi hates you and you hate him one day you both develop feelings for each other after yoongi does something things take a good turn for your relationship until you can both say "I love you" too each other and so on
I can finally tell her I've been wanting to tell her for the past year,I-I'm just so scared what if it doesn't go right?what if she doesn't want to? Relax yoongi you two have been together for 6years now you can do this I mean there's no way she wouldn't want to-right?
I stared at y/n until she noticed and looked back at me
"Gummy you ok?" "Y-Yeah I'm J-just Fine" "Are you sure?you keep spacing out?"she asked "I-um-well you see I've been wanting to say this for a long time now,but if you don't want to just promise me that we won't be awkward?" "Of course we won't"she said kissing you lightly on the lips "I couldn't live without you" You can do this yoongi "Y/n..d-do y-you want to m-m-marry me?"you said almost instant regret filling your head You idiot she doesn't want to marry you Your such a loser you don't have a job you don't have a lot of money hell you barley have anything! "Shit"You hissed under your breath She's quiet..to quiet.God damnit yoongi you should've known it was to soon "Y-yoongi" Your head shot up you were eager-desperate for her to say yes that all you needed for her to say yes "Yes" You could feel the tears stinging your eyes as your vision got blurry and tears fell on your face You hugged and kissed her passionately for a few minutes while you gazed into each other's eyes Her tears were slightly wetting your shirt and yours were dampening hers you were so happy the woman you love was yours.she was gonna wear the ring you bought her the dress you helped pick the wedding you helped plan you were so happy you just couldn't help but smile as you let go of each other
You slowly brought out the small black box in your pocket she gasped as she saw the beautiful ring you had hand made just for her only for her
"Yoongi I-it's s-s-so pretty"she said while bursting into tears of joy "A one of a kind ring for a one of a kind woman" She smiled at your compliment
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"I love you so much min yoongi" "I love you more Min Y/n"
Wedding chapters next! The book still isn't ending of course oh and sorry for the cheesy and short chapter I'm on a school computer so can't do to much anywho see you in the next chapter