Chapter 5: Welcome to my world

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Tia's POV (LAST ONE FOR A WHILE I PROMISE unless you want to see more?)

My eyes flicker open, and memories come flooding back. The alpha in front of me was still asleep, little snores coming from his nose. His smell, that divine, forest, floral smell filled my nose again, and I leaned closer, inhaling heavily. It numbed the growing pain of the heat cycle as it came back, but just as I was getting comfortable, my stomach grumbles. Loudly.

I stiffen, but Ridge only shifts slightly, making a slight grunting noise. Quietly, I stand up and tiptoe out of the den, and as soon as I get outside, I begin to pad away quietly. The ground was wet and moist from the storm last night, and it felt springy, like a sponge under my feet. When I was a good distance away, I begin to sprint, my muscles which had been stiff for a while stretching and contracting, and I smiled, the breeze whipping at my fur, cooling the heat cycle down. It wouldn't fully kick in for a while yet, and eating would help. 

Catching the scent of deer, I whip round and leap through the air, my claws sinking into its neck as I push it to the ground. It struggles feebly, and I quickly rip its head off, savouring the flavour-it had been a day since I had last eaten. As it finally weakens, I rip off chunks of its stomach, chewing, almost collapsing with relief. It felt like some God had reached down his hand and given me the most amazing meal on Earth.

"I thought I told you to stay in the den" a voice snarls behind me, and I freeze, before carrying on eating.

"I was hungry" I grumble, tearing off a large part, chewing on it quickly, savouring the last few seconds I had to finish it.

"I don't care" he growls, and a sharp pain jolts up my tail as his teeth sink into it.

I yelp, ripping a chunk free as I whirl round, and he lets go, yanking the meat from my mouth.

"Get back to the den" he snaps, pushing me roughly, and I whimper in response, following his command, my bleeding tail dragging on the ground.

When I finally reach the hole in the hill, I slouch inside, curling up in a ball inside.

"Good, shut up and go to sleep" he grumbles, laying down in the entrance.

"What do you want with me?" I whimper, and if wolves could grin, he would have.

"You'll see" he chuckles, and I shiver at the sound, quivering in fear as he suddenly gets up and pads towards me.

"Let me see your human form" he demands, and I shake my head.

"Now" he insists, and I simply turn my head away from him.

"Aw, too ugly to be seen in public?" he taunts, and I wince. I wasn't very attractive as a human-most people had told me I looked depressed or annoyed all the time. Even Duncan stayed clear of me when I phased.

He watches the thoughts through my head and snickers. "Thought so. I was hoping for an attractive mate, but I guess I have to rule you out as a candidate."

I shut my eyes, blocking out the room. The smell he gave off and how it effected me...I knew I was his soul mate. But he'd rejected me, and once you have been rejected, that was it.

"Oh don't tell me you're throwing a tantrum" he scoffs.

"Can you just kill me already?" I whisper, shifting slightly, tail still sore and somewhat swollen.

"Kill you?" he snorts, surprised.

"Well, that's why I'm here, right? I'm not here for any other purpose. There's nothing to do. I don't even know why I'm here. So it's either let me go or kill me as I try and go" I sigh.

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