Chapter 4: Prisoners

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Note: I've been banned off the computer all weekend so I'll have to update in the holz. BUT I will be able to update today so I better get writing before my parents get back... :D

NEW NOTE: Sorry I took so long to update, as I said above, have been kicked off computer. I'm literally writing this as fast as I can and update so I don't get into trouble :D

Tia's POV

"Let her go" Lewis growls, shuffling on his paws. Simon bares his teeth next to him, the ginger wolf still protecting Silva's den. 

"Make me" Ridge retorts, teeth gripping tighter on my neck. 

When the alpha does not reply, Ridge nudges me up with his nose and growls at me, forcing me forward.

As we walk along the grassy plains, the pack disappears behind us. They couldn't do anything about it.

I knew what was coming. I knew what the heat cycle did to alphas in close proximity. A low whimper escapes my jaws, and he growls at me from behind.

"Keep moving" he snaps, and I follow his command.

We reach a small den in the hill, and he pushes me in violently. It was quite small, the ceiling high so he could fit in. The smell wafting from his fur, a damp mossy floral smell, filled my nostrils and my body was practically begging for physical contact. But I didn't want it with him.

"Sit" he orders me, like I was some pet dog.

But I submit and sit on my haunches, trembling slightly.

He gazes at me warily, before advancing, sniffing my snout roughly. I brace myself for him to leap, but to my surprise, he backs off immediately. 

"I'm not going to mate with you, if that's what you are thinking" he growls, laying down on the stone floor, watching me warily. Outside, it begins to rain, large pellets striking the ground like bullets.

"Why?" I ask, lying down opposite him, still scared and shaking, backing up into the back of the cave.

"Turn your pack mind link off so you can only hear me" he commands, and I do as he says, drowning out the anxious thoughts of the alpha as he reached out to me.

"I'm a hybrid, I can control my desire for a heat cycle" he shrugs his large shoulders.

"Oh" I reply simply, wincing as another ripple of pain went up my spine and I collapsed onto the ground, groaning.

We lay like that for a while, listening to the rain as it pattered relentlessly outside, pouring off the top of the den hole, creating small puddles around the entrance. He kept on staring at me, with those big black eyes, as if he was staring into my soul.

"Can I see your human form?" I ask curiously. One shake of his head meant the question was mute.

"Can I have some food?" I beg-I was starving, since the heat cycle often meant you would get not just physical needs but hunger too.

Another shake of his head made me growl, and I began to limp towards the hole, when he stepped in front of me, baring his teeth.

"I'm hungry" I groan, a low whine slipping from my jaws.

"Wait for the rain to stop" Ridge growls, and I growl back. 

He gets up, padding slowly over to me, showing his teeth. I growl back, hating the fact that he was trying to make himself higher than me. 

One nip of his nose was all it took for him to bite my paw and begin to violently tug at it like a chew toy.

"Get off!" I howl, and when he finally lets go, my paw is mangled horribly, blood dripping from it.

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