Chapter 2

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The first game of the season left Ron a nervous wreck. As Hermione coaxed him to eat, Harry glanced over at the Slytherin table. The entire team was huddled at the end of the table with Light instructing them with an intense look in his eyes. Harry wasn't able to sneak to any of their practices, as he was too busy with schoolwork, but he had seen some of the team. Unlike Crabbe and Goyle, the beaters this year were much more slender, even weak looking. Mello and a brunette girl played those positions, while Light himself and two other Slytherins he didn't know played chasers. Harry had yet to meet the Seeker, but he wasn't worried. It was unlikely that anybody could beat his Firebolt, which gave Gryffindor a huge advantage.

"I can't." Ron said suddenly, pushing his plate away. "I'm going to get slaughtered out there, Harry."

"No you're not. You were the best keeper. And besides, you did fine during tryouts!" said Hermione, trying to sound encouraging.

"Look, most Slytherins don't know their right from left. Are you really worried?" pointed out Harry. Ron gave a weak, shaky smile.

"Hi, Harry!" exclaimed Collin Creevy.

"Oh... hey Collin." said Harry. Although the boy was fifteen years old now, he still looked and acted like a first year. He brandished a camera at Harry. "Can I get a quick picture of the Gryffindor captain before the game?"

"Oh.. sure." said Harry. He glanced at Ron. "I'll be right back." Ron didn't seem to hear, he was too busy rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.

As Collin snapped pictures of Harry, he glanced to the Slytherin team, who were quietly filing out of the Great Hall to get changed. We should get going soon.

"All right, team!" he announced when he got back to the Gryffindor table. "Finish up breakfast and meet in the locker room in five minutes!"

Ron stood up on shaky legs and started to walk to the changing rooms. "What, no breakfast?" Harry said, walking beside him.

Ron shook his head. "Don't wanna spew it up." he said. His face was a sickly green. Harry wanted to comfort his friend, but he was too focused on his nerves. Should I have paid more attention to the other team? Had more practices? What if I lose my first game as Captain?

He changed into his scarlet robes and picked up his Firebolt, appreciating the familiar weight.

"Hey, Harry!" said Katie Bell, walking into the changing room. "You decent?"

"Yeah, what's up?" asked Harry.

"I took a look outside, the conditions are looking really nice. Naomi's a bit nervous, but you know..."

"I do know," Harry muttered, glancing at Ron.

"Anyways, the Slytherin team is already out there, checking the conditions."

"Of course they are." muttered Harry. He turned back inside, where Boyle was still getting changed. "Oi! We'll meet you outside, okay?" Without waiting for a response, he rushed outside, determined not to be outdone.


His team followed him onto the pitch, Boyle tailing behind. The crowd roared as they walked up to the green clad Slytherins.

Once he got closer, Harry was able to get his first good look at the new Slytherin team. They looked vastly different than the teams in the past, most lean and petite. There were the chasers, Yagami, Saunders, and Turner, the keeper, a tall blonde named Aiber, along with the beaters, Keehl and a girl whose uniform read Wood. Harry grinned slightly, remembering his first game, when Oliver Wood was still captain.

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