Chapter 7

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At the next Defense of the Dark Arts class, Harry was surprised to see Lawliet back and in seemingly perfect health. Though Harry studied his nose carefully, it seemed as though it had been mended perfectly.

"He looks alright," Ron muttered to Harry as he sat down next to him. "Though if someone attacked me like that, I probably wouldn't be eager to come back to class with him."

Harry nodded in agreement. He expected Lawliet to be at least fearful towards Yagami, but on the contrary, he seemed perfectly normal, even smug.

"The scores in this class have been atrocious since the beginning of the year," Snape snapped as he swept into the room. The entire class quieted as he rounded at the front of the class and gazed at them with intense dislike.

"Although I have severe doubts many of you will manage a NEWT in this subject, perhaps studying in groups will at least slightly improve your scores." Snape gazed at Harry, the corners of his mouth tilting up in a condescending smirk. Harry glared at the floor, seething. He wasn't at all surprised to be placed in a group with Ron and Neville, who were all given the task of learning a hardy shield charm that was continually mocked by Snape. Hermione, on the other hand, was placed in a group with Lawliet and Yagami. Although another fight didn't break out, Hermione looked miserable as the group worked together.

By the end of class, Hermione stormed up to Harry and Ron, seething.

"I can't stand those two!" she burst. "Lawliet literally only insulted us the entire time, and Yagami is so conceited!" In her anger, she had temporarily forgotten why she was angry with Ron.

"He is, isn't he?" asked Harry, grinning. It had been quite some time since he had spoken to both Hermione and Ron. He glanced at Ron, who also seemed shocked.

Hermione caught her breath, and suddenly seemed to remember herself. She straightened, and said, "Well...anyways. See you, Harry." She hurried out of the dungeon, looking flustered and slightly embarrassed.

Harry turned to Ron to see a slight pink spreading across his cheeks. "Well, that's kind of an improvement, right?" he said, slightly abashed.


The news had spread to the entire school by the time Harry sat down for dinner- Mello had been kicked off the Slytherin Quidditch team.

"I overheard some people talking about it in Herbology," Ginny confided. "Apparently he and Light were having an argument over a Quidditch strategy or something, and Mello pulled out his wand and hexed him."

"What did Light do?" Ron asked in a hushed tone.

"Kicked him off on the spot. Honestly, I'm surprised he didn't do worse. He seemed really pissed off."

"Well, at least he didn't break his nose." Harry sighed and reached for a roll, his mind racing. Light had already replaced his entire team, it seemed risky to lose another player. And who would play as beater now?

As Harry walked back to the common room, he was approached Mello, looking furious.

"Hey," he commented, looking at Harry with apparent disgust. Harry's grip on his wand tightened.

"Calm down, I'm not here to hex you." Mello said, scowling and crossing his arms. "I know what you're doing."

"Sorry?" said Harry coldly.

"All the books about Quidditch rule library are checked out, and your team wasn't exactly subtle as they trekked up there." Mello regarded Harry coldly. "I can help you."

"Yeah?" Harry asked. "And why should we trust you?"

Mello laughed, a harsh and bitter sound. "You think I'd do anything to help Slytherin after that bastard Yagami screwed me over?" he snapped. "I'm offering my help, Harry. Don't make me regret it."

Harry hesitated, then nodded consent. "All right." he said slowly. "What 'help' can you give us then?"

"I'll meet you in the library tomorrow." Mello said, starting to turn away. "And be careful. I'm sure Yagami's figured out what you're up to by now as well."


"Harry, I think we found something!" said Naomi Misora the next morning. Harry had invited the entire team to the library to share any info they had found, and in case Mello changed his mind and decided to attack Harry after all.

"What is it?" asked Harry. Naomi excitedly brought her book out of her bag. She gestured to a bookmarked page.

"I was thinking back to what Ginny said, about how Light had closed tryouts for his Quidditch team. And look, in school Quidditch games, captains aren't allowed to designate their tryouts as private!"

"That won't help your case at all," Mello commented, walking up to the small group. "The tryouts weren't private, but because they were at night, only a few people came."

"But surely more people would come to audition," pointed out Ginny. "I heard from Grace Wood that only the people who actually made the team came to try out."

"Well I know a few more people were going to come, but they didn't show up. I don't know why, alright?" he snapped, crossing his arms. Although Mello claimed to be on their side now, ever since he was kicked off the team, he had grown considerably more aggressive. "The point is, the tryouts weren't closed."

Naomi sadly closed her book, an awkward silence spreading over the rest of the group.

"Well, did anyone find anything else?" Harry asked, trying to sound encouraging.

"Look, mate, it's hopeless," Ron finally said. "You gave us books longer than the ones Hermione reads, and if they were breaking any rules, Madam Hooch would have already stopped them. Maybe it's best to just give it up."

"We can't think like that!" Harry snapped. "This is our best chance at beating Slytherin. And yes, these books are large but that only increases our chances of finding something to use against them." he glared at Ron. "If you disagree, though, you're free to leave."

Ron opened his mouth, shocked, then closed it again.

"Right," said Harry, still feeling annoyed. "I expect all of you to at least finish your books by next game against Slytherin. Don't forget to wake up bright and early tomorrow so you can watch the Ravenclaw game, you hear me?"

Depressed mutters of assent came from the team as they got their bags and left the library. Harry slumped into his chair as he watched them leave, one thought echoing in his mind.

What am I going to do?

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