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Taylor stood at the edge of the hospital bed, he stood in silence for a few seconds and then he began talking.

"So Em" Cameron cut him off

"Excuse me I'm the only one that can call her that" Cameron said sassily which made me smile because I always loved when he called me that, and I hated it when other people would call me it.

"Oh ok whatever, I called my mom or our mom and she will be here as soon as she can. I didn't let her say anything to me, I am beyond pissed at her right now. I don't know why she would do this and then keep it a secret. But.." I could feel the tears forming and one by one they trickled down my cheeks.

"Taylor I know that this is a rough situation but I need time. This whole topic is a sensitive subject for me and it-it-its" I couldn't get out my last words.

"It's to soon" Cameron finished my sentence for me

"It's ok I understand" Taylor said and put his head down then walked out of the room. After Taylor left I turned my head towards Cameron and started crying. He ran over to me and I cried in his shoulder, I felt wet stains on my back.

"Cameron" I said between my countless sobs

"Yes" he says between his

"Why are you crying?" I ask and finally stopped sobbing but the tears still flow.

"Because seeing you sad makes me sad" his statement made me want to cry more but instead i gripped his neck with my hands and pulled him in for a tight long kiss. I pulled away but our foreheads resting on each other. It was the perfect moment, but then Taylor walked in and ruined it.

"Hey guys so....oh sorry" he said and turned around to walk out the door

"No Taylor it's ok" I said and he turned back around giving me a confused look then sitting a chair across from the bed.

"You know I am her brother now so you guys can't be just making out in front of me" Taylor said and then laughed at the end of his statement.

"Yea yea yea so what did you need" I laughed

"Oh well the rest of the guys are worried and want to come see you" he said

"Oh ok I'm fine with that but does anybody know when I can get out of this hell house" I said being completely serious and almost on cue the doctor walks in.

"Hello everyone, I have some news. Emily has to stay overnight and then she can leave tomorrow at anytime she wants. The earliest she can leave is 8."

"Who is allowed to check me out" I ask

"Well since you have family members now they technically have to but since Cameron has been number one on the list for so many years he can check you out too."

"Okay thanks" I say and with that the doctor walks out of the room




"Cameron..." I just woke up so my voice is raspy, Cameron slept in the chair by my bed. I am actually beginning to show my feelings for Cameron all these years I hid them and now it feels good to let them out.

"Hmm" he groaned with his eyes still closed

"What time is it" I ask


"Good because I want to leave"

"Ok let's go" he said then stood up and rubbed his eyes

"Carrie me"

"Ugh fine"he says then comes over to the bed and picks me up bridal style then walks out of the room. When we get to the lobby I saw something I didn't expect, Taylor was asleep in a chair. Maybe he did care, I mean after all he is my brother. Cameron walked over and tapped him on the shoulder

"We're going"

"Mmm okay" Taylor said then fluttered his eyes open, noticing me in Cameron's arms. He sighed and got up then started walking out of the hospital with us.




We were back at the hotel and since the three of us got barley any sleep last night we are all about to take a very needed nap. I was laying in the bed and Cam was laying on the couch in the hotel room. Taylor went to his room.


"Yess" he said mimicking my voice

"Come lay with me"

"I'm to lazy to get up"

"Please I'm cold" I said which was a lie because I really just want him to lay down with me.

"I'm still to lazy"

"I'll kiss you" I say

"I'm coming!" And the next thing I know I feel the bed dip, I role over so we are face to face. He moved closer to me and connected our foreheads, I realized that his hand was awkwardly at his side so I took it and placed it on my hip. I put my hand on his neck and leaned in, when our lips touched I got butterflies in my stomach. This is the feeling I've missed, ever since the first night here when we kissed this feeling has been bugging me. Our lips moved in sync, his hand got lower and lower, if it was anyone else it would have bothered me but it was Cameron so I let him. He licked the bottom of my lip asking for entrance and of course I gave it to him. But before it could get any further he pulled away.

"So if this is what I get for just laying with you, I'll lay with you more often" he says and I roll my eyes and laugh

"Oh stop! I know you wanted to!" I said making a statement

"True...um I've got a question"

"Yea sure anything"

"Emily will you go on a date with me" I didn't even say yes or no I just pulled him in again for a long passionate kiss.

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