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I woke up at 10:30 and took a shower. After I took a shower I went over to my suitcase pulled out leggings and the sweatshirt that Taylor have me last night. I didn't bother texting him I just went over to his room and knocked on his door. I heard him say come in with his raspy morning voice. I walked in and he was still half asleep, it was obvious that I woke him up.

"Sorry that I woke you up" I say

"It's alright I needed to get up anyway" he says to me. Then pats a spot on the bed next to him signaling for me to go sit by him. So I did, I sat down next to him and he put his arm around me.

"Do you want to see if the guys want to go out for break feast" I ask him

"Yea sure let me go get ready while you text them" he suggests then he gets up and goes into the bathroom to take a shower. I took out my phone and started a group chat to all the guys and it said.

"Hey do you guys want to go out to breakfast, to like IHOP or something"

Everyone agreed and said that they would be ready at like 11:30. Taylor walked out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. I couldn't help my self but stare he was so hot.

"Like what you see" he says with a smirk

"No I just, I don't know" it was so awkward I didn't know what to do. But I immediately felt my heat rise to my cheeks.

"Don't be embarrassed babe" did he just call me babe? Taylor stepped closer and no we are inches apart. But of course my phone went off. It was a text from Cameron.

" I'll be ready in 10" his text said.

"Cameron will be ready in 10 minutes" I said to Taylor

"Aww come on" he says why giving me a pouty face then turning around back to the bathroom to go get ready. I couldn't help it but smile and once again I felt my cheeks get red.

We all met in the lobby saying hi to each other and hugging one another.

"Em why are you wearing Taylor's sweatshirt?" Cam asked me being completely serious.

"Taylor and I went on a walk last night and he gave me his sweatshirt because I was cold." I said a little more jokingly

"Oh ok so where do you want to go for breakfast?" Cameron asks me

"I don't care but how about we go to IHOP?" I suggest

Cam agrees and tells the rest of the guys where we are going. He also said that he doesn't have enough room room in his car for everybody and wanted to know if I could find a ride, so I asked Taylor and he said yes of course.

I was in the car with Taylor and we were keeping a good conversation about random things.

"Hey I was wondering before the Magcon preparty starts do you want to go out, like on a date?" Taylor ask me and I almost loose it.

"Yea I would love to" I say while biting my lip trying to contain my self.


So I noticed before we left that Emily was wearing Taylor's sweatshirt. It bothered me a little, why was she with Taylor?

We get to IHOP and get seated. I noticed that Taylor didn't take his eyes off Emily, this was seriously starts g to piss me off. Emily looked over at Taylor and winked at him. That's it I can't handle it anymore. The waitress comes over, she was really pretty and I would say she is around our age. She walked over and took out orders she was was smiling at me so I smiled back at her. Mabye Em will know how it feels. When the waitress went over and placed our orders she was standing by the door on her phone. I was looking at her then she glanced over and winked at me. She was pretty and all but she wasn't beautiful like Emily.


I noticed that Cameron was off, like once he found out that I was with Taylor last night he has been acting weird. When Taylor asked me to go on a date with him later I was so happy, I really like Taylor, I like Cameron too but Cameron has been my best friend my whole life and I don't want to jeopardize our friend ship. Cameron was flirting with the waitress which bothered me a little but I got over it quickly remembering my date with Taylor.

We all got into the conversation about how the preparty is going to be later.

"How many girls do you think are going to be there?" Aaron asks

"Do you think we will be able to meet any of them?" Carter adds

"I don't know but i hope that the security isn't ridiculous, I mean if we give the girls what they want they wouldn't be so crazy. All they want to do is meat us." Hayes says

All of it was true, even Hayes was right about just letting the girls meet them. After we finished breakfast we went back to the hotel. I was sitting in my room when I got a text from Cam.

"Hey, come to my room we need to talk" I got a little nervous because we have never "needed to talk". I didn't reply to him I just walked over to his room and knocked on the door. He opened it and I walked in.

"So what do you want to talk about" I ask him.

"I just wanted to know where we stand"

"What do you mean" I said but I actually knew exactly what he meant.

"Um I'm talking about the kiss" he says

"Listen Cam I know we kissed and everything but just think it's best that we stay friends. We have been best friends our entire lives and I think it's best to stay like that for know." I say and I can see hope drain away from his face. I felt really bad doing this to him but I just really need him as a friend right now.


Taylor told me to be ready by three, I have on skinny jeans and a sweater from abrocrombie. I heard a knock on my door I knew it was Taylor so I told him to come in. I was still in the bathroom curling my hair. Taylor walks into the bathroom and i can see eyes scan up and down my body.

"Like what you see" I say but laugh at the same time.

"I Ughh, it's just that your so beautiful" he says making me smile and I can see in the mirror that my cheeks are red. I was finishing the last curl on my hair. It looked perfect, since I curled it, my hair landed right below by breast, when my hair is straight it lays right before my waist. I don't bother putting any make up on since we aren't going any where really fancy.

"Ok I'm ready" I say walking towards the door to the bathroom, as I leave I kiss Taylor on the nose. But before I can pull back he grabs my waist and pulls it in closer to him.

"Hey no body likes a tease" he says and kisses my forehead, since he is much taller than me I look up at him.

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