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We just stepped off the plane I'm tired but excited at the same time to see all the boys for the first time. I walk past a window and glance at myself when I saw how tired honestly scared myself. I look at the clock to see what time it is because there is a time difference between New Jersey and California. It's 12 and all of us are meeting at the hotel at 2. Cam and I figured that we should get to the hotel early and unpack. When we get to the hotel and get our rooms Cam is roomed with Nash and Hayes. I am roomed with Mahogany and that is because we are the only girls on this trip. After Cam and I are done unpacking and it's about 1:30 we decide to go wait in the lobby for the rest of the guys. Cam and I are sitting on the same couch but we are both on our phones. When all of a sudden the doors open and hear...

"Cam! Hey, what's up bro" I look up and see Nash. Then Cameron gets up and gives him and Hayes a bro hug.

"Sup dude" Cam says to Nash and Hayes.

While they were having their bromance non of them bothered to notice me. Then Nash smirks and says

"oh, so you must be the famous Emily!"

"Haha yea I'm the famous one" I say sarcastically while letting out a small smile.

"No really your all that Cam talks.." Nash was cut off by Cameron because Cam punches him in the gut.

I just blow it off then get up to go give Nash and Hayes a hug. We talk for about 15 minutes then decide to to back to our rooms. I decide to go in their room since no one else is here yet. I end up getting Nash's and Hayes's numbers. After that the rest of the boys show up. We decide to go out to dinner, so we did then we get back and are all hanging out in Taylor's room. I get to meet everybody and talk to them then Matt yells...

"Let's play Truth or Dare"

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