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* The Next Day*

" Are you sure this dress isn't to much I mean it's just lunch." Lilli asked, looking at her lap feeling a little insecure.

"So you want to look like trash on your date?" Said Tasha as she finished brushing my hair.

"No... and it's not a date." Lilli replied.

"Mmhm, and... DONE!" Tasha exclaimed.

Lilli turned around to look in the mirror and see the full outfit. It was a pink dress with pretty white shoes and light makeup, her hair was straightened long and soft a light color of brown that completed the light makeup nicely.

"Wow... this is amazing." Lilli said in shore.
"look nice."

"lillian, you always look nice you just don't see it." Said Tasha

"Thank you" I said hugging her.

"No problem, now come on you have to leave you are supposed to meet him at is house in about 20 minutes." Tasha said

"Ok" Lilli said with a smile and a nod as she walked to the door.


Lilli pulled up at the address Jj had given her, a big three story house, she looked down to the time which read 2:30

"Ugh I'm late, Jj is gonna give me shit, but when does he not." She said with a chuckle.

Lilli walked up to the door and range the door bell and waited. She remembered that Jj had a couple of roommates he lived with she had met some at vidcon but she just said hi only other knowledge she had of them was there YouTubes. The door then opened.

" Hey...Oh no ones here" he said looking above Lillian him being 7 inches taller then her.

"Shut up." She said laughing "At least I have a decent hair cut"

"Really, come on in." JJ said.
As we walked in the house looked way bigger then it did outside.

"wow... your place is beautiful" Lilli exclaimed looking around.

"Thanks" said jj

"WHAT THE HELL" I heard some yell from up stairs

"Haha that's my friend" said jj

"I assumed" She replied

"I think there playing golf it" he said

"wait that on game Simon plays" lilli said

"Huh you know Simon? I thought you said you didn't watch my vids?"

"I don't I am to busy working, but I used to watch his gaming channel but that's it. He is... funny." I said nervously

"You want to meet him?" JJ asked

"WAIT he is here?" Lilli exclaimed

" Ya he is one of my friends that lives with me."
Lilli starts to blush just of nervousness. JJ notices.

" hey it's ok he is kinda shy too." He said trying to calm me down.

"Ok" She said.

"But we will wait till he is done filming they know I'm going out and will be back later so we will see them then but let's get going" JJ said. 


The restaurant was called the fried pickle.

"wow I've never been here before" lilli said curiously

" really it really popular here." He said

"I can't wait to try it. I bet it's really good." Lilli said in a hungry voice.

"Let's go eat then" he said

"so what are you going to get" Lilli asked

" I think I'm gonna get the grilled Samoan and a side of salad" he said while his head was still in the menu " you picked anything from the kid menu yet" he said with an Eyebrow raised and a chuckle.

"ha ha very funny" lilli said shaking her head "but I did pick something ."

"What?" JJ asked

"the chicken Alfredo and a side of fried pickles." Lilli answered

"oooh nice pick, you better share those pickles" said JJ.

Laughing she said " haha you wish."
                  *ON THE WAY HOME*

" thank you for inviting me out to lunch it was nice to get caught up." Lilli said

"no problem I wanted to get reattached to you sense you moved back." JJ said

" ya, I'm glad we did."

-671 words

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