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I opens my eyes and looked over at the wall. I then reach for my phone to check the time it was 10:00 o'clock. I smiled, I felt refreshed and rested. I then proceeded to get out of bed and get dressed to go to the gym as I was putting on my clothes I noticed my YouTube plack on the wall my 1 mil plack I cant believe I have 5 mil now my channel has come a long way, and I get to do what I love as my job.

What more could you want. I then went out the door after I made my self some pre work out drink, I look down at the table and see a note it read:

Hey lil I went to the shop to get some food be back later, love you boo
- Tasha
"Typical Tasha" I said to myself.
I grabbed my keys and left to head to the gym
                         *TIME SKIP*

"Ugh" i huffed as I walked in to the door.
"I see you went to the gym." Tasha said while sitting on the couch.
"Yeah I ran for about an hour and a half." I said
"Wow." Tasha replied.
"Yeah i think I'm gonna take a shower." I said
"Good you smell." She said laughing.

I walked to get in the shower and as I walked by Tasha I punched her shoulder for her comment, and then went in to the shower. The water was nice and cool and felt so good on my aching legs. After my show I got dressed, I just put on a sweatshirt and shorts because I didn't plan on going anywhere, and then went to sit on the couch with Tasha. *BING*

"Was that mine or your?" I asked Tasha.
"It's not mine, mines dead and I don't feel like grabbing the charger."
I picked up my phone of the coffee table. It was JJ.

JJ- Are you free today? I want to talk.
Me- yes what time do you want to meet and were
JJ- about 30 minuets at the Starbucks right next to your flat
Me- ok see you there

I got of the couch and went in to the room to put pants and a little makeup on. By the time I was done Tasha was sound asleep on the couch, so I got her a blanket, plugged in her phone, and wrote a note saying were I was going and that I would bring Her a cake pop and tea.

I then walked down to the Starbucks because it was less then a block away. I walked up to the shop and saw JJ's car outside. I was nervous for some reason. Nervous of what he was going to say, would he still want to be friends with me, would he never want to talk to me.

The tears started to fill my eyes again, but I stopped them from falling down my face I told my self that no matter what happens I would stay strong. Even though that might be broken. I then proceeded to walk in to the shop and I saw JJ sitting at one of the tables. I walked over and sat down.

"Hey." I said nervously how are you?"
"I'm... good... thanks for asking. I uh bought you a coffee. Caramel frappe." JJ said.
"Aaah thank you so much." I said about to take a drink of the coffee. "JJ I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you That was never my intention. I feel so bad for that I have though about it a lot and...and I.. I just don't know how you feel and I don't know if you even want to be friends anymore.. and...and I'm so sorry."I said as the tears fall down my face.

"Lillian it's ok I'm not mad at you and I'm not going to stop being you friends with you either."He said.
"What?" I said
"I shouldn't have ran of like that. It's my fault." JJ said.
"No it's not. It's mine I was aware of your feelings and I still went and kissed Simon." I said wiping my face.

"Lillian please don't cry I'm not mad at you its just my feelings were hurt and I didn't know how to react I understand now you don't feel the same as I do with you and that's fine I just want to be friends." JJ said.

"I'm glad. I'm glad we can still be friends." I said smiling.
"But that doesn't mean my feelings have changed I still like you lillian." He said.
"I understand." I replied.

"Sooo, how are you and Simon." JJ asked. "I remember he took you on a date. How was it?"
"It was fun I had a great time." I said
"Has he asked you out yet?" JJ asked
"No..." I said.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to have a talk with him then." JJ said.
"Jide." I said.
"What? I was just kidding. It will happen eventually." He said.
"I hope so. Simon is really nice I.. I like him a lot." I said with a blush.

"I see." He said looking at my cheeks. "Hey isn't your birthday this Friday?"
"Yes. It is I'll be turning 21." I said
"Will you have a party?" He asked.
"Yeah of course." I said
"Oooh will there be booz?" He asked
"Um I don't know I've never really drank before." I replied.

"What do you mean?" JJ said.
"In America the legal drinking age is 21 so I wasn't old enough to drink, and I was 18 when I left to go to America." I said.
"Oh your gonna drink then." JJ said laughing. "I have a feeling your gonna be a funny drunk."
"Maybe." I said

We heard a loud bang from outside and looked over it was raining so we guest it was thunder.
"Oh shit looks like I'm gonna be drenched when I get home." I said.
"Don't worry I'll drive you." JJ said.
"Really thank you." I said.
"No problem." He said.

JJ and I ran to the car and he drove me home. We then pulled up to the apartment.
"Thank you for the drive." I said.
"Your welcome. Thank you for coming." He said.

I leaned over to hug JJ. "Thank you for inviting me" I said.
I stepped outside and walked in to the apartment with a smile on my face.

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