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The Byun household was filled with officers as they inspected their only son's bedroom for any suspicious evidence.

Officer Wang negotiated with the father, Mr Byun himself.The man looked very distressed by the loss of his dear son. Byun Baekhyun

"Mr Byun anyone you suspect?" "No officer"
"Anyone you had a rivalry with?" "No officer"
"Anyone who had a rivalry with your son?" "No officer"

That's only what Mr Byun could answer. 'No'
Officer Wang sighed as he rubbed his temples . This was by far the most unnatural and tough case of his calling. The kidnapper seemed to be very shrewd and cunning having to kidnap 9 people at such short intervals.

"Sir!" came the sudden voice of one of the officers searching the boys room 'We found the boys cell phone'

Officer Wang stood up abruptly,a surprised look on his face as he took the gadget in his hands and tried to unlock it but it had a passcode.

"What's the password Mr Byun?"
'It's Kkaebsong"

"Interesting choice." Said Officer Wang
"Yes. Kids nowadays "

The phone unlocked to show no new notifications
But a few recent chats. Officer Wang opened them but as he reads them he gets more,and more confused?

But then it hits him.

"Mr Byun. What was the time when you last saw Baekhyun."
'About 10:20 pm last night"

'Oh my god. Officer Lee Inform professor Taehyung that we shall be visiting him soon. Let's go. Mr Byun we'll let you know if there is any progress."Officer Wang said as he gave his shoulder a light pat and made his way out.

Just as they had settled in the car to leave officer Wang looked at the most recent chat on the phone as he wondered.

Who are you Sir Siruv?

Who are you Sir Siruv?

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