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*Jackson's POV*

'Yaaaawwwwwwwwn' I sit up in bed questioning humanity as it was time to get up. 'Cmon Wang atleast there's no Corporal Douche to press on your neck today' I think happily and walked into the bathroom

A few hours later as I was driving to the station I couldn't help but feel happy that the boys have finally stopped appearing dead out of nowhere,atleast they were safe.

Just midway in my drive I received a call from Namjoon. 'Isn't this boy  getting too fond of me' I think laughing and picked up "Hey Namjoon wassup?" I ask as I take a turn.

"O nothing Jack son of a gun,just when will you be here?" He asks "hmm in a few minutes probably,why?" I inquire and he just laughs. "Nothing just miss you,hurry up and get here soon!"He said hanging up. Weird.

I finally park my car and get out and walk towards the doors. I open them up and walk towards my office. I opened it and Vala~

Guess who's standing there.

Corporal Lee Taemin.

"Yay" I mentally scream sarcastically and salute him "Sir!" I salute and he just gets up and throws something at me.

" Explain this Wang," He demands

" Explain this Wang," He demands

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