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*Jackson's POV*

'Woa' was all that my mind said when I looked at the young man infront of me with the eyepatch,making him more and more interesting. "Good evening gentlemen,what Bri ya you to my humble abode" he asks in a rather sultry voice.

"The infamous Ceenere Cristallo,we finally meet" says Namjoon to which the young man with the eyepatch 'tch'ed. "Namjoon,it's Cenere not Ceenere,my name is a devotion.

A devotion I made to the person I love ever so dearly ,Cenere meaning Ash and Cristallo meaning Crystal in Italian. The crystal beautified in the depth of the magma boiling in the crusts of the core of the earth,truly magnificent." He finishes

"My apologies Cenere,now for the reason we are here is probably very clear,this is officer Wang,head of the investigation for the kidnapping cases going around for a while now." Explained Namjoon

"Aah~so you're that useless officer everyone's taking about- oops my apologies Officer it just.....slipped?" He said smirking to which I could only roll my eyes.

"Listen here Crystalio or whatever,we are stuck in the midst of a sand pit ok. Either help us or we leave," I couldn't help but be a little aggressive towards him.

"Speak for yourself Wang." Namjoon voice came from beside me as he lit up a cigarette causing me to sigh deeply and Cenere to smirk even wider.

"Gentlemen,let's not fight now,I have some interesting....hmm,What can I call it,hypothesis I suppose"Cenere told us and took a seat infront of us while still fiddling with the card in his hand.

"My cards never lie,All the previous truths were as told by my ever so trusted cards" he says and my mind goes like 'Another Weirdo' but who knew I'd be so surprised by what came next.

He rolled out his cards and payed them straight in a line,each perfect in its own way. Ever so unique designs etched on each.

He went about shuffling his cards,in such a. Fluent manner that I could help but be envious.

When he finally stopped ,his hands on top of three cards,

"These 3 cards,are the traits of your culprit,listen carefully,

Number 1, he flipped the card which had a tall lanky man on it,

You're culprit,is of average height,not too short not too tall

Number 2, he flips the card and there's a girl and a boy on it,hugging like they were so much in love

You're culprit is an only child,no siblings

Number 3, he almost flips the card when my phone rings and it's none other than

Professor Taehyung.

He sounds dangerously.....calm?

But the news he tells me next.

Made my blood  run cold

"HOW COULD THIS BE!!!!" Namjoon screamed behind me as he looked down at his phone

"HOW COULD THIS BE!!!!" Namjoon screamed behind me as he looked down at his phone

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