Chapter Six

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(Time Skip)

As we make through our way into the sewers, we crossed paths with a train tunnel. The thought of walking through a dark...train tunnel just gives me bad vibes. Helena and Leon seem calm about the sudden route change. It was sorta breezey and low in tempeture down here..I hugged myself for warmth.

(Leon)- " Here." I hear him and his warm touch on my cold arm. I turn to see him strip down his leather jacket. Underneath, he was wearing a black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his mid forearms.

(Y/n)- "No-- Leon, I'm fine" I try to decline his offer.

(Leon)- "It's cold down here." He insists on passing his jacket to me. He wouldn't take no for an answer. I reached out for the jacket and placed an arm through and then the other. It was very large on me, but it was warm. We exchange smiles and he scratches the back of his head with a faint chuckle. A high pitch scream-- coming from the distance but it was getting higher and higher...

(Y/n)- " Hear that?"

(Leon)- " ..Yeah"

(Helena)- " Look out! Train!" It's lights were right ahead of us, Helena hugged the wall. Leon pushed me against the wall with him right next to me, his arm extended out to my torso to keep me tight against the wall as the train passes. I held my breath---and watch the empty train go by. Once it passes, Leon moves away and we both gasp as the sudden  reaction time he had seconds before the train were to crash into us. A few strands of my hair tickle parts of my face but that wasn't the issue. A few soft moans come from afar...infected found there way to us.

(Leon)- " Lets get out of here!" We start to sprint down the tracks. My legs grip the ground trying to keep up with Leon and Helena, I want to get out of here-- no more trains or infected please!

(Helena)- "follow the tracks! Theres gotta be a stop somewhere!" she shouts as we pass many infected. I don't wanna be here when another train is on its one is operating down here... its going to have to stop somehow. 

(Time Skip) exit we can see where were at, I hope Novak is out of town by then...I wonder if everyone at the station are okay too. I cant imagine the station being overrun with infected... I just can't...please..please..

(Leon)- " Come on, were almost out" Helena and are were falling behind. Just as Leon made it to the top, someone came out from the right side-- taking an axe his way. 

(Y/n)- "Leon!--" he got out of harms away, the axe stuck to the wall next to him. Leon shot it in the head to see it fall to the ground. Helena takes lead this time, walking down the street. A light from a distance was coming from down the block it made a sharp turn-- it was going to crash into Helena!

(Y/n)- " Helena! Car!" I caught up with her and yanked her arm back to bring her to safety. The car swerved into a fire hydrant causing it to rupture. Water came spilling out. water falls back to the ground-- like it was raining all of a sudden.

(Helena)- " Thanks..." as we look at whats happening around us, everything was chaotic.

(Leon)- 'Why do I feel like this is just the tip of the iceburg.."

(Helena)- "It's only going to get worse from here, We have to get to that cathedral."

(Y/n)- " You guys have to go, I still have to find my partner"

(Helena)- " Leon and I need to get there--"

(Y/n)- " Then go ahead without me, I need to find him."

(Leon)- " No ones going anywhere...we'll find your partner, and were getting the hell out of here." He stepped in, Helena and I aren't seeing eye to eye. Whats this cathedral she keeps talking about? What's so special about it...

(Leon)- " Lets get out of here..before infected start swarming us."


Sorry for this short chapter, the next part is going to be really long and i wanted it to be its own chapter. probably post it tomorrow :D 

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