Chapter Twelve

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(Time Skip)

I have this really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. My eyes turn to Helena who was just about push over the last infected. There he goes...I sorta feel bad for them. Leon looks onward to the route were taking... it's a jump across to the next platform.

(Helena)- " I'm done with this place... lets go." She has anger in her voice, she really wants to go after Simmons. Helena made it across and struts her way down. I jump after and made it across safely. Phew! I wiped the sweat from my forehead, I just wanna get out of here. I follow Helena keeping a distance. I felt rumbling below my feet, I don't like the feel of that.

(Leon)- " Grrahh!--" I hear Leon gasp. My head twists in his direction, he was dangling off the edge. His arm strength was the only thing keeping him from falling to the darkness below. I rush back to him--with no hesitation. I lowered down and reached for his hand. He gripped onto my wrist and I the same to his, with all my strength-- I lifted him up. His leg reached the top and was back on the platform.

(Leon)- " Thanks" he spoke as I see a sweat droplet fall from his forehead.

(Y/n)- " Anytime" 

(Helena)- " Guys!" Helena caught our attention. We head over to her, waiting for someone to work the other crank. I jumped first and made it safely across. I helped turn the crank but the platform beneath our feet rumbled and shook. It sunk with us still on it-- we lost our balance. It fell forward but as we slide off we landed onto another platform to cross. What luck.

(Leon)- " We gotta get out of here-- this whole place is gonna cave in!" Leon lead the way, jumping across--seeing infected down the line. I follow closely behind him, making sure I kept up with him. As the platform shook, making us lose our balance for a second. I jumped over, an infected was about to swing its torch my way. The platform shook aggressively making me fall on my behind-- but it fell over the edge. That could have been me.

(Helena)- " On your feet!" Helena reached for my arm and pulled me up. We ran side by side, Leon was already at the end-- waiting for us by a large boulder. Helena and I jumped towards him, simultaneously-- making it together. I gasped as I grabbed onto the boulder to stop the momentum I had. Leon started to push on the rock--Helena helped too. I assisted and the boulder started to tilt back and fall off the edge. The three of us jumped at the final platform towards a way out. We wasted no time, we ran towards the exit. Leon stopped all of a sudden, I stopped as well making Helena halt.

(Y/n)- " What is it?" he didn't say a word. He looked behind him, the ceiling starts to crumble, a massive water wave drops from the ceiling and flows down--knocking us off our feet. Gahh! I twist and I turn as the water overpowers my abilities. We slide were ever the water is taking us-- almost like a waterpark slide but this one, we don't know if this slide has water at the end of it. 

(Helena)- " Oh god! What do we do?!"

(Leon)- " Hell if I know!"

As I try to fight the current, my hand hit the side of the wall.

(Y/n)- "Aghhh!" I grabbed my hand to see but at the end of the cave was a large drop to the water. I closed my eyes and took in a large breath before falling in. the water was cold-- very cold. My eyes opened, feeling the cold temperature. I held my hand, feeling decent amount of pain. Leon looked to Helena and I. Leon looked at my hands. He points to it, I looked down and noticed one of my fingers slightly dislocated. Oh shit! Don't freak out-- don't freak out! My eyes widen at the sight of my finger, it's not supposed to look that way! Leon swam close to me and gently grabbed my hand. He nods looking at my finger. What is he going to do?!  He's going to put it back?! He counts down with his he snaps it back in place. I felt the pain travel up to my wrist. My eye cringes at the pain-- I move my finger slowly, small pain when I bend at the knuckles. I nodded that its okay now. Helena swims and waves to follow her. Leon tilts his head for me to go after her, he'll stay behind to keep the back safe. As we swim further through the caves-- ahead of Helena crumbles, almost crushing her. She swims back safely and directs us into a different direction.Further in, there were bodies in here. The water must have swept in the infected. I avoided them as I swam away. Helena continues to swim farther, a body floats in front of me-- startling me from my concentration to hold my breath. A few bubbles escape my mouth. Leon grabs a hold of my arm and pulls me with him as he swims to what looks like a small opening. As we reached the surface, it was a small head space, enough to breathe in some fresh air. We both gasp breathing in, I especially. There was a moment of silence between us.

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