Chapter Twenty Four

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(Two Months Later)

I set a piece of decoration on the coffee table, hmmm.. It still doesn't look right. I take it back and place it back on the corner end table next to the lamp. I still don't like where it's at! How long have I been in this place-- a few months? And I haven't settled in yet? Jeez... my music gets interrupted from my phone by an incoming call. I left everything where it is and focus my attention to my phone, I gaze at the name who's calling...

(Y/n)- " Unknown? " It continues to ring. My finger hesitates for a moment, but I answer the call. I raise the phone to my ear...

(Y/n)- " Hello?"

(Hunnigan)- " (Y/n)? It's Hunnigan." I felt calm-- now that I know it's Hunnigan.

(Y/n)- " Hey Hunnigan, doing your monthly check up on me?" I faintly chuckled, I pressed my cheek against the phone to my shoulder, with my hands free I head to the kitchen.

(Hunnigan)- " Yes I am, last time I checked-- you were still decorating your new home. How do you like it by the way?"

(Y/n)- " Great, walls are painted-- just...trying to get furniture to look right." I opened the fridge to get a cold bottled water.

(Hunnigan)-" I see. How's the new police force there?" that's right, I'm back to working in the police force where I live now. So far I like it-- but something about it thinks it's not for me.

(Y/n)- " Its great.." I trailed off as I take a sip of the water.

(Hunnigan)- " Doesn't sound to great by the way you make it seem" I've been putting it off long enough. I had to ask her...

(Y/n)- " Hunnigan..."

(Hunnigan)- " Yes?"

(Y/n)- " I've been meaning to ask you this a long time ago....umm...Why are you keeping tabs on me, like-- why not make me an agent? " I put it out there for her to answer-- honestly, I'm kind of scared of her answer.

(Hunnigan)- " I don't have anything against you being an's just....err--uhmm.." she trailed off.

(Y/n)- " Spit it out, Hunnigan"

(Hunnigan)- " Agent Kennedy rejected the idea of you becoming an agent." Leon rejected me becoming an agent? I don't get it-- why? I don't understand? 

(Y/n)- " you know why--h-he would reject me?" I tried not to sound to bothered by it-- but I am bothered by bothers me a lot 

(Hunnigan)- " Not sure."

(Y/n)- " Where is he? " I asked, sort of demanding.

(Hunnigan)- " I cannot give you that information, I'm sorry."  He said he would keep in touch with me but its been this point I shouldn't even expect a text message.I don't know why I bothered asking.

(Y/n)- " Okay, thanks for checking up on me Hunnigan."

(Hunnigan)- " No problem"

(Y/n)- " Oh-- an Hunnigan, tell Helena I said Hello."

(Hunnigan)- " I will pass along the message, goodbye." The phone line disconnects. I take my phone and look at it, the blank screen. My phone lights up-- another name pops up on screen. Aghh great, its work...

(Time Skip)

I look into the rear view mirror, staring at my tired face. I look terrible-- I could have least took a nap earlier, maybe that would have helped. I exit out my car and headed inside the police station. I was being greeted by fellow officers. As I get further into the station, I head to the locker room and change out of my black jeans, t-shirt and jean jacket-- I quickly changed into my new uniform, its similar to my old one. I exit out the locker from and headed to my desk to fill out some reports-- or try to at least...maybe I'lll take a nap in the break room....

Strange Comfort (RE6: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#2] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now