Chapter Sixteen

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(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

As we walk on by, Leon raises his hand. The building ahead of us-- a woman in a blue dress with a red scarf enter inside. Leon's attention was onto her.

(Leon)- " Ada? " Ada? Haven't seen her in a while-- what's she doing in China?

(Y/n)-" Let's follow her." He nods and leads the way heading up the stairs. We wield our weapons and scope out the area with a steady pace. Leon turns to his left and there is Ada about to leave to the next room.

(Leon)- " Ada!" he calls out to her. She gives a grin to us, something is off about Ada...I don't like it. Multiple shots fire-- it didn't come from us. It reaches off the door behind Ada. She takes her grappling gun and fires it, she flies away.

(Y/n)- " What the hell is going on?" Leon looks to me, he tilts his head in Ada's direction to go follow her. We approach the door-- but I tried to open it, it was locked shut. I pushed on it as hard as I could.

(Leon)- "No use, looks like were gonna have to find another way around" we search around for another door. Nothing but computer tech-- wait, there's a staircase leading down to a lower level.

(Y/n)- " Leon, this way" I slowly make my way heading down the stairs. Leon follows behind-- We both reached the bottom steps seeing a door with a red light above it.

(Leon)- " We've gotta make it to that elevator! Run!" Leon starts to sprint down the long dark hallway. My legs move passing each other-- running the same speed as Leon. My right ear picks up a voice close by. I have no clue who's voice  that is.

(Ada)- " Glad you could stop in. Like what I've done with the place?" Ada's voice was mysterious...this doesn't seem right...why is she acting this way? It stops Leon and I's track, looking up to see her, looking down at us. Leon and I continue to run-- I look ahead of us to see red laser-- making its way toward us.

(Y/n)- " Shit--"

(Leon)- " Slide!" Leon gets low and does a baseball slide near the corner of the laser. I drop to the side of my hip, causing a slight pain. I slid under the laser with my hands close to me, making sure they don't touch them. I got back up-- continuing to reach the door. A lazer grid blocks our path. Leon fires a couple rounds at the panels to the side making the lasers flicker. Once they were gone we made it to the elevator just in time. I have a few seconds to relax before this ride stops somewhere hellish....

(Time Skip)

(Voice)- "Disengaging locks in room one." Oh thank god! I don't think I can take much more of those explosive bombs. The door opens, giving me no time to rest.

(Leon)- " We're clear! Let's go after her!" We exit out, nothing here but to jump down to the floor below us. Leon jumps first then me. He catches me, his hands around my waist. He lets go, as we start to sprint down the metal railway, turning to our left. There we can see Ada running further ahead.

Strange Comfort (RE6: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#2] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now