Chapter 3

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My breathing started to quicken as he kept starring down on me.

He has changed a lot. He has some what of a beard going on, and last time I saw him his hair was shorter and more in a mow-hawk. He's diffenitly gotten a lot bigger. This whole starring down at me moment was getting really awkward, I did what my gut told me to do, talk.

"Hey Malik." I simply stated, I know it's not the best choice of words, but I have to pretend him 'leaving' only made my life better, but in reality I'm tearing on the inside.

"Don't 'Hey Malik' me. What the hell? I don't see you in five years and when I do you're snogging my best mate?" He yelled. I shrugged my shoulders and sat on the couch playing with my nails. "Nialls pretty cute Zayn, you should take some notes." I smirked. I heard him sigh as he sat on the coffee table directly in front of me.

"Jasmine, let's just get down to the point. T-the fight we had, look I'm really sorry. You're my sister and a brother should never call their sister a who-" Before he could continue I cut him off. "Look Zayn, you could apologies and say sorry, but that won't change shit. Let's just act like it never happened and continue on to the brother and sister relationship that we always hate, yeah?" I asked. It seems harsh what I had said, but I don't like sympathy. I certainly am not going to accept that apology too.

He could of said sorry years ago, now it's five years and his words don't mean anything.

I looked at his faciel expression. He looked a tad bit hurt before he broke out into an outrage. That's when he lost it.

"I'm trying to apologies and pour my feelings out to you and you blow me off? What the fuck!" He screamed. Thisonly just ticked me off even worse. How can he bad at me? After the fight he left to be world wide pop sensation. He never called me, nor try to talk to me. He would always call mom and she would always put it on speaker. She would ask if he wanted to talk to me, I always had hope that he would, but no. He made a lame ass excuse.

I felt neglected. Not wanted by my own family. I snapped back into reality. Zayn was starring at me, if looks could kill I'd be six feet under. I didn't want to argue, I was sick and tired of it. I just did the only thing that came up to me, runaway. I was certainly good at it.

I've done it plenty of times.

I got up and forced a smile on my face, "Nice seeing you again Zayn" He looked confused as he stood up with me. "Wha-" before another word escaped his mouth, I grabbed his keys that were on the table and dashed through the front door. "Jasmine where are you going?" Zayn asked while running after me.

I clicked the keys and saw a white lamborgini on the side of the house. I smirked as I knew I was gonna have fun riding that baby around town.

I hopped in the drivers seat and tried the best I could do to start the car. What the heck there's no key hole! Fuck! I looked up to see four lads running out the door calling for my name. No, no, no, no, hurry up!

Where is this thi- oh wait it's a button. Oh how did I even pass high school.

I quickly backed out of the driveway, and on to the street. Liam I think it was nearly opened my door up, but that suckers too slow for me, ha! I just need to relax I thought as I started driving down a familiar road.

Like I said I've lived here almost my whole life.

Now where is one place I can relieve my stress, I've only been here for wo hours and my brother has me stressed. I thought for a second, a club. Yep, I typed in a destination for the nearest club around Bradford. One on the other side of town popped up. I guess I'm going.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I kept my eyes on the road. I turned on the radio, music always helps.


I parked in front of the club. It took me nearly an hour to get here, so it's ruffly around five to six, yet there were still people lined up waiting to get in. I scoffed in disgust as two tramps wearing the tightest skirts and tank tops on walked by me trying to get in, Uhm ew.

I got out of the car, and looked at the line, it was nearly two blocks down until the end of it. There's no way I'm waiting in a line. I took a deep breathe and thought for a second, a smirk appeared on my lips.

Aye maybe being Zayn Maliks sister comes in handy.

I walked up to the big buff security guy. He looked old and annoyed as some girls were complaining on why they should get in. I rolled my eyes at them, idiots. "Uhm im Zayn Maliks sister and if you just let me in I thin-" he cut me off. "Yeah like I never heated of that before" he scoffed. "End of the line kiddo." He pointed towards the big line of people.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone. I clicked on my photos and searched for an old picture of me and Zayn the day before we got into the fight. I only kept it because my hair looked so good, ok? I finally found it after a minute of searching.

"If I'm not Zayns sister then why do I have a picture of us together when he was seventeen and I was fifteen?" I asked this idiotic dude. He exaimened the photo before his eyes went big. "My apologies mam! Right this way" He pointed towards the door behind hima nd opened it. Before I stepped in I could hear people gasps I shock.

Or hear people yelling 'she's lieing or 'I'm Zayns sister too' psh jealous much?

I walked in, smoke, sweat and alcohol filled my nostrils immediately. People were grinding and others were either at the bar or getting high in a corner. I made my way to the bar and sat down. I looked at the bartender.

"Give me one of your strongest drinks, yeah?" I commanded, but came out more of a question. He just nodded. I watched as he poured different varieties of alcohol into a shot cup. He passed it to me gliding it across the wooden bar.

I sighed before I took it to my lips and let my worries fade away.

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