Chapter 10

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An actual picture of Shaun and Jasmine. Their not together anymore but I still think they're pretty cute together. You should search them up Shawn and Jasmine on Google or something if you want to see more pictures. Back to the story!


I eventually had to explain the party, the guy and how I even ended up there to begin with.

I got grounded and they took away my phone. Who even does that? Dont they know my phone is my baby? I guess not.

I also haven't apologize to Liam about my outbursts on him. I know I'm such a terrible person, blah, blah, blah.

Right now I'm watching tv while playing on Instagram. Lately I've been getting a lot of followers since the media suddenly had found out that I was living with the one and only One Direction.

I've also received death threats, but I try not to let it get to me. Besides I'm the one hanging with One Direction, not them.

As I was playing around with the remote and flipping channels I heard foot steps coming down from the stairs. I turned around to see Liam, we made slight eye contact until I quickly turned around to avoid awkwardness.

I actually did feel guilty about my bitchiness at him. I would really hate it if he or anyone would say that about my relationship with someone.

At the moment I was really bored and I really didn't know what to do.

Liam was the only one home because all the other boys were out doing something.

As I sat on the couch for another five minutes I decided I should just go out to the park by myself because there was no way I was going to talk to Liam with him giving me a death glare.

I left the TV on and got up and headed for the door. I didn't want to turn off the TV to show any suspiciousness.

Even though I'm grounded, I'm pretty sure the boys wouldn't mind me going to the park, I mean come on it it's a park.

I quietly open the door and gently close it behind me. I started my walk heading towards the park.

Bradford sure is beautiful.

The sun was out, the wind was blowing just right, I could even hear birds chirping. It sure was paradise, no doubt about it.

I continued walking until the familiar park came in view I couldn't help but smile. This was the park where I injured my knee and Zayn took care of it.

I sat down at a bench near me, I watched as some couples were kissing and hugging.

Flashback -

"Shaun! Stop it please!" I laughed as he spun me in his arms.

"Not until you say you love me!"

He only continued to spin me even more faster. "I love you!" I yelled out as I only got dizzier.

He gently placed me down in front of him. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer, if that was even possible. He gazed at my lips every often, "you know I never want to loose you?" He asked, I nodded and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

He smiled, oh that dreamy smile of his. It only does one thing, it made me weak. He slowly leaned in and connected our lips together.

And there they were, the fireworks.

End of Flashback -

I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt the my tears hit the palm of my hand.

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