Chapter 6

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After Zayn called mum she wasn't mad. Which only made Zayn mad.

She wasn't very surprised when she got the news. Knowing me she probably already knew. Zayns upstairs. Liam is out with his girlfriend, Louis is gone buying carrots..that weird boy and Harry said something about new boots. So I'm basically stuck here with Niall.

It's not a bad thing, no.

It's just awkward, literally.

Were on the couch and he keeps starring at me.

"Do you have eye problems?" I asked. He looked dumb-founded for a second until he realized what I said. "What? No." "Then why do you keep starring at me?!" I raised my voice. He looked a little taken back, I almost felt sorry for the boy. Out of all the lads I'm still debating whether Louis or Niall is the clueless one in the group.

"'re just so beautiful" he responded.

My heart ached a bit. It's been a while since I've been called that. It's always been 'hot', 'sexy' or 'fine.' When me and my last boyfriend broke up I completely lost it. Well I lost it when Zayn left, but I changed completely after the brake.

I swore to never let any guy hurt me.



A thick Irish accent ringed in my ear. I flipped back into reality to notice Niall getting my attention.

"uh..Uhm thanks? Uh hey Niall why don't we hang out today? You and I?" I asked. I seriously beats him and his starring. His smile was from ear to ear. He jumped up and grabbed his keys while running back and grabbing my hand, and with that we were out the door.

"Slow it down Ni! Where we going anyways?" I asked.

"Ni?" he asked.

"Yep I'm calling you Ni from now on. I think it suits you." I smiled while we entered his black porshe. "I like it, and we my dear are going to Nandos." He started the engine and started driving. Nandos, what is that? Is it some type of mall? Eh, I could really use some new shoes.


We parked in front of a decent sized building. Ok it's definitely not a mall. So much for new shoes. We both got out of the car and made are way in. A very gorgeous brunette came up to us with menus. It would be a lot better if she wasn't wearing a push up bra to show her non existent boobs. I hate her already. "Table for two?" she questioned Ni not even bothering to look at me. Ok rude.

"Yes please" she nodded making her way over to a table obviously trying extra too hard to sway her hips to the side. We both sat down, "so if there's anything you need let me know" she said to Niall.

She was still not bothering to notice me.

She winked at him before walking off. That's it this bitch needs to be put in check. "Sorry mam there is one thing I would like" I smiled at her. She rolled her eyes, "and what's that?" she barked. I smirked at her remark besides it was Now it was my turn to roll my eyes "For you to stop flirting with my date, he's obviously here with me so I would aprecciate it if you shew away like a little fly." With that I reached over the table to grab Nialls hand. He was dead silent.

She looked at me with her mouth open, I just smirked.

That shut her ass up.

She stomped off in anger.

I did a little victory dance in my head. She can't hate the player only the game. Only she was messing around the wrong game.

I looked back at Niall and notice he was starring at our hands, I looked down to notice my hands were locked to his. I pulled my hand back and I could feel my cheeks becoming cherry red. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean t-". "No it's ok I liked it, a lot" Niall replied shutting me right up. "So this is a date huh?" He asked smirking at me.

"Only if you want it to be."

"Well I do" he said and leaned over the table and kissed my cheek.

Little butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

What is this boy doing to me?


I busted out laughing at Nialls dumb statement.

"I'm just saying if cats lick there selves clean I do not see why us humans don't!" He shouted making some old couple stare at us. That only made me laugh even harder.

By now I was on the grass clutching my stomach. Ni bent down and chuckled at me while I tried to calm down. "That's so stupid!" I chuckled once more. "Hey without stupid statements this world would be boring.'' I nodded while he starred down at me.

This was the perfect time to study his facial features.

His skin was a perfect tan, his eyes were so beautiful, his hair in a perfect quieff,his smile was so unique. He was dandy. Niall slowly started bending down towards my face.

His eyes glancing at my lips, oh my gosh he's going to kiss me. Do I want to kiss him? I mean he's hot. We had kissed before, but it just dosent seem right.

Right before his lips could reach mine I urned my head. His lips touching my cheek. He gave me a confused look before getting up and me following the same action. "Look Niall we had fun today, but it just dosent feel right to kiss yo-" he cut me off, gosh how I hate that. "But it did feel right whenever you came on to me while we made out on the couch?"

I sighed in frustration, that kiss was amazing, but it was wrong and a mistake. I only did it to get a reaction out of Zayn.

"Look that kiss was a big mistake. I should have never kissed you!" I yelled. I'm getting mentally frustrated by the second.

"Oh so kissing me was a mistake?" He asked. His arms were over his chess and I'm pretty sure he's pissed at me.

"Well yes, bu-" Niall cut me off, again. I'm going to strangle this kid if he dosent stop.

"No forget it! I thought I might have actually liked you, but you're just a bitch! Find your own god damn ride home!" he yelled in my face. He ran over to his car and drove off.

I guess I deserved that yelling, but seriously? Walking home?

My day is going just absolutely great.

Gosh I hate Bradford.


I've been gone for a while, but I hope you like this chapter!

It's terrible, I know!

But bare with me here!

Bye loves.

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