Chapter 11

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"He was my boyfriend for about two years. I-I loved him, he was my everything. He treated me like a princess, he was my king and I was his queen. One day I came home late due to work and he assumed I was cheating. That night he hit me. He apologized, and I forgave him be caused in loved him."

I swallowed back my tears as Zayn rubbed my back.

"Jasmine, why didn't you tell me? Or anyone?" He asked.

Is shook my head, "you weren't there for me, mom wouldn't understand, and dad wouldn't had cared." I looked up at him to see regret in his eyes.

"Jasmine, the reason why I didn't contact you for so long was because I thought you hated me. You said it yourself. I wanted you to be happy, so I left you alone."

After all these years I thought he hated me. I was wrong.

So very wrong.


I groaned as my phone went off, who on earth is texting me at freaking eleven at night?!

I looked at the screen to see an unknown number.

*A/N ok so I'm going to be doing a texting conversation so bare with me bc I know it's going to look fucked up.*

3839382918: hey (:

Me: Uhm who is this ?!

3839382918: Jay (:

Me: Oh hey Jay what's up??

Jay: Nothing really beautiful, just wanted to see if you were able to hang out tomorrow night?? (;

Me: Like, as in a date??

Jay: well uh I mean no just as a friendly thing

Me: Oh that really sucks, I was looking forward to it being more than a 'friendly thing' ):

Jay:YES it's a date !!

Me: Haha you're so cute !! (;

Jay: thanks gorgeous <3 well I'll pick you up at 8 ?? Sweet dreams my lady :*

Me: Sweet dreams love

- End of convo -

I woke up to a tickle to my nose, me being the smart one I got my hand and rubbed my nose.

And that's when I felt it, shaving cream.

I immediately sat up only to see Louis and Liam laughing their asses off on my bedroom floor.

"This is not funny." I sternly yelled at them. They calmed down a bit to see I was being serious.

"Jasmine, we were just having fun no need to be violent!" Liam yelled.

"Too late," with that I charged at both of them. They ran out of my room and down the stairs.

"You can run but you can't hide!" I yelled as I ran down stairs chasing them. Suddenly I bumped into someone. I looked up to it being Harry.

"Oh hey Haz" He smiled showing his cute dimples. "Hey Jaz I was wondering if you would want to do a project with me?" He whispered so only he and I could hear.

"What exactly is this project?" I slightly raised my brow in confusion as why it was so secretive.

He slowly leaned into my ear and whispered.

"Prank wars."


Okay I know it sucks but I was in such a freaking rush and I was at school and I know it took forever and apologize this and that but I really do apologize I promise it will be better i know this one is so short I know but leave some input??

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