Chapter 8

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I really would appreciate it if you guys looked at my other story 'Mad House' Im going to start posting on it a bit more. K back to the story!


"Hey guys" I slightly smiled at the five confused and surprised boys sitting in front of me. Zayn was the first to get up and smother me in a big hug. "Where have you been?! I've been worried sick!" I wanted to pour out the truth, but that would cause too much drama. I just starred at Nile for a couple if seconds.

The words "its a long story" slipped out of my mouth.

Zayn caught who I was starring at and I guess the lads noticed too because we were all starring at Niall. I starred at him in disbelief, and the others probably wondering what on earth had happened.

Niall had shifted in his seat uncomfortably it was probably of the starring. Zayn whispered in my ear asking me "What did he do?" I just shook my head "it's none of your concern." it wasn't their business to know what happened. What happened between me and Niall stays between us.

I was about to walk upstairs and into my room, but a hand was grasped onto my wrist. Who I thought was Zayn was really Louis? "Your brother asked you a question and I think you should answer it." is he serious right now? Who is he to tell me what to do?

"You don't tell me what to do so back off" as those words came out of my mouth I yanked my hand back so Louis grip was off. "Actually we have every right to tell you what to do and what not to do, so I suggest you listen young lady." I face towards the direction the voice was coming from and to see Liam?

"Psh yeah right." I laughed a bit this has to be a joke, right?

Liam shook his head and grabbed a file and handed it to me. I took it from his hands and started reading the papers. My mouth literally dropped. This wasn't right. "I'm nearly the same age as you guys! Who did this?!" The papers said that they basically have custody over me for the whole summer or if my parents want me to stay longer then they could have custody and just renew the paler works.

"I did, I don't want you doing stupid stuff ok? I was only trying to protect you." Zayn pleaded. Big mistake Zayn, big mistake.

Now it's time to put my act on. "Well yea, I guess that makes sense. I guess I just didn't see how you guys were trying to help me." I smiled. "I'm really sorry too, the first day I got here was a mess. Probably the worst first impression ever. I promise I'll make it up to you guys."

I gave them a sincere face and the fakest smile ever. They just stood there looking dumb-founded. I gave a small fake chuckle before going around and giving them each a kiss on their cheek, well except Niall. "Now if you don't mind I'm going to refreshin up. I slept on a bench last night!" I ran up the stairs and into my room before I locked it shut.

Big mistake boys, big mistake.


I blew all the smoke out of my lungs. I was starring at the pillow in front of me before I broke out into laughter for no reason.

You're probably wondering why the hell am I blowing smoke out of my lungs. Well I was actually doing something productive, I went to EU to take some college classes, but it turns out college guys are pretty hot. Besides one of them decided to ask me to go to a party. I jasmine Malik never turn down a party.

Even though I never turn down a party I have to let the boys think I'm going to 'change my life'. I blew the last of the smoke in my lungs before I put down the joint and headed for the door. "Babe wait come back!" the drunken college guy called out for me.

I continued to walk not really caring for him.

I walked out of the house and onto the streets to search for my car. Only to spot two people making out on my car. I slightly rolled my eyes at how gross the girl looked, skank much? She was wearing booty shorts with a tank top and heels, Uhm sweetie we aren't at a strip club go put some clothes on.

"I would appreciate it if you guys weren't sucking each others faces off on my car." I gave them a hint of attitude to know that I was being serious. They pulled away and by the looks of it the girl looked pretty annoyed while the guy looked amused.

"Who the hell are you? Go away you hoe!" This girl must not know who she's dealing with. "Sweetie me a hoe? I have class what do you have? You look like a prostitute, with those booty shorts and tank top. What are you trying to show? You don't have anything. Go away skank." I know it seems mean but the girl was basically asking for it.

"Damn." The guy whispered, but a little too loud considering the girl punched him saying 'hey' obviously offended. I once rolled my eyes once again at how dumb she looked, did she really think he wanted her? No,it was more like a hump and dump.

After she chased him inside the house I got into my car. I looked at the time before I started my car. 8:45 was the exact time. I sighed as I knew I was probably going to hear it from Louis, Liam or Zayn. Not so much Harry, he's more laid back and I love him for that.


As I pulled into the drive way of the house all the lights were off. The lord has seriously blessed me, they're asleep. As quiet as I possibly could I closed the car door and open the front door. I lightly pressed the door back closing it and it ended with a small click.

I paused for a second and counted to five to see if anyone heard me. I smiled at my accomplishment and turned around only to let out a shreik.

Four boys were standing there arms crossed. Only Niall was missing, I don't blame him.

"Where have you've been love?" Harry asked. I smiled, like I said Harrys so laid back. "Harry we are trying to get to the point not sell her candy! Be a little more stern!" Louis had yelled at Harry. "Well I'm sorry! I've never had a sister before!" He shouted back. I chuckled at them, this is very amusing.

(I know Harry has a sister but it's a fanfic so deal with it)

"Jas what are you laughing at? You're still in trouble." Zayn pointed out, my laughter died down and I fell silent. "I was at EU because I wanted to take pre-college classes, you know to get a bit prepared and ready."

Liam had smiled, "Well at least we know you were doing something productive and knowledgable." I gently nodded and mumbled a "thanks."

I wondered where Niall was, I mean I know I shou,d be mad, I still am, but does he honestly not care? Or is the boys ignoring him? After thinking for a while I finally got the nerve to ask. "So guys where is Niall?" They gave me confused looks. "Why?" Harry asked. "We-" I was cut off. "He dosent matter!" Louis shouted. "No-" I was cut off once again. "He's no good" Zayn protested.

"Guys! It was a fucking question!" I didn't mean to come out rude, but calm down much? We all fell silent. Awkwardness was filling the atmosphere. "You wanna know so bad? Cmon." Zayn pulled my arm dragging me upstairs. The three lads followed behind us as we stopped infront of Nialls door.

Zayn opened the door and the sound of snoring filled my ears. He pushed me in and locked the door. I grasped the handle to try to re-open it, it didn't budge one bit. "This isn't funny guys! Let me out!" I yelled throughout the thick door.

"No you want to be with Niall so bad you stay with him until we let you out!" Louis screamed back. I kicked the door in frustration and turned around. It was dark considering the lights were off. only one thing filled my mind at the moment.

What's going to happen when he wakes up.

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