Chapter 12

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Ok I think that last chapter was the shittiest piece of shit I've ever written so I'm sorry.
Guys I just want to apologize for not writing! I'm a freshman and I've been so focused on school work I'm practically living in my schools library ): but I've realized how much writing means to me so I'm gonna start posting for now on (:

"ugh!" I screamed into my pillow. I've spent two hours going through my whole entire closet looking for the perfect outfit to wear for my date with Jay.

Yet I can't seem to think any of the clothes I wear on daily basis fit this occasion.

I don't know maybe I'm over thinking this whole thing.

It's just a date, it's not like I'm gonna end up marrying this guy and having babies with him.

with that being said I walked to my closet and grabbed ahold of a crop top, skater skirt and some converse.

Basic, but cute.

I looked in the mirror to admire myself. I looked presentable, and as long as I looked presentable I'm good.

I grabbed my phone from my night stand and jogged downstairs for breakfast.

As I made my way down stairs I could hear the five familiar voices yelling from the kitchen.

"No I want the last bacon!"

"No Niall you've already had six!"

"But Louis it's because I'm a growing man! I'm hungry! pretty please with a cherry on top!"

I chuckled and entered the kitchen, I walked up to Louis and snatched the piece of bacon out of his hand and placed it in my mouth. I have the both a small smirk before sitting on the counter top.

I looked over at Niall and Louis, their facial expressions were so hilarious I almost choked on my bacon.

"Don't die" Harry sneered.

"I'll try not to" I glared at him until the both of us broke into a small laughter.

and with that the laughter died down and it got quiet.

The atmosphere was silent but not the awkward silent, the good kind of silent. The silent where you just enjoy each other's presence and admire one another.

It hasn't even been a month since I've moved in with these guys and they've changed and helped me so much. They've made my life better and I couldn't imagine what my summer would be like if I didn't come down here.

Probably hanging around with crack heads.

I chuckled at the thought of it.

My phone started buzzing and as I looked down at the small screen I realized Jay was calling me.

- Phone convo -

Jay: Hey jazzy!

Jasmine: Hey Jay! What's up?

Jay: well I know how I said id pick you up at eight but is there by any chance that we could start this early? I wanna spend this whole day with you.

Jasmine: awe Jay that's really sweet! Yes, that would be great so what time?

Jay: uhm actually in like ten minutes

Jasmine: ten minutes?

Jay: yes, only if that's ok with you!?

Jasmine: it's perfect, bye love

Jay: bye beautiful

- End of Phone convo -

I hung up and hopped off the counter, that's when I realized five pairs of eyes starring at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked as the starring was getting very uncomfortable.

"Who the hell is Jay?" Zayn questioned.

"And why is he picking you up in ten minutes?" Liam asked.

"Are you goi-" and that's when I cut Harry off.

"Guys I'm just going on a small date with this guy that I met the other day. His name is Jay and he's really sweet!"

that's when Zayn started. "You're not going. Simple as that. Don't ask why, just know that you're not going."

"I am going that's the bottom-line. I don't care what you say. just because you're my brother doesn't mean anything. You don't control my life, and there's nothing you can do to stop me from leaving this house."

that's when Harry butted in. "Woah jas, have a little respect for Zayn. He's obviously doing this for a reason jus-"

"Shut up Harry, would you like it if they kept you in and told you not to go on a date with some one you liked? No you wouldn't."

"Young lady I don't like the tone you're having" Liam pointed out.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the kitchen. Who knew such a good morning could turn so bad in the matter of minutes.

Well crappy morning doesn't matter to me. Because I'm going on that date, whether they like it or not.

Sorry for the shortness ): but i love all of y'all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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