Chapter 6: You could never get away from me.

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Third Person’s POV

Somewhere in Tokyo

“What the hell are you saying? How could you let, Akashi back off the agreement like that?!” Haizaki angrily asked.

“He’s so scary, Haizaki-san! He’s so pissed when he learned that we leaked information to Kuroko-san about him ‘apparently cheating’ on Kuroko-san with me!” Furihata is pacing the floor; obviously reaching the edge of his wits. “He threatened me that he’ll skin me alive if I so much dare to do anything to Kuroko-san!”

“Damn it! Why the hell did you get scared?! We’re the ones that he should be scared at! We’re blackmailing him!”

“Tsk. Did you get to sleep with him?” Hanamiya Makoto asked.


“The hell?! You got three years with Akashi and you never got him to fuck you?!” Haizaki yelled. “You’re supposed to get pregnant with his child to get Kuroko to leave him so that he’ll suffer!

“You don’t have any idea how hard it is! He always managed to run away from me or turn me down or make me think that he’ll have sex with me then the next minute I was totally out!” Furihata answered. “I tried to seduce him!”

“We thought that you love him enough and that you’re good enough to seduce him but who would have thought that you’re a total failure!” Haizaki angrily kicked the table over. “Damn! What are we supposed to do now?! We were paid to make Akashi Seijuuro suffer!”

“Why don’t we just get Kuroko-san?” Furihata suggested.

“If it’s that easy to get near him then we won’t be wasting three years of our lives with trying to play fire with him.” Makoto said. “You know how guarded Kuroko is. Akashi hired the best to protect him. We can’t even get past the first defense he set up for Kuroko.”




“What should we do now?” Furihata suddenly asked.

“Easy. We retreat.” Makoto answered. “Erase our traces. And asked Akashi for a lot of money in exchange with the first batch of evidence that he needs.”

“Evidence?” Furihata asked.

“You really think that he’s just being a nice puppy following our demands? He’s only complying to the dating you deal so that he could get evidence. And I guess by now, he’s got pretty much.”

“Holy shit!”


Akashi’s POV

-Akashi-sama, we’ve got them surrounded.

“Good. Deal with them. I’ll teach them a lesson personally.” I ended the call and went back beside Tetsuya’s bed.

“Who’s that?”

“A subordinate of mine.”

“What did he want?”

“I’ll tell you later, love.”


“You better sleep now.” I said as I brush his hair with my fingers. “You don’t want our child to be sleep deprived.”

“Hm.” He closed his eyes and moved closer to me. He’s trying to hide it but I can see him sniffing me from time to time. It’s really cute of him.

I closed my eyes and rest my back on the headboard thinking about what was happening right now on my men’s side. They almost ruined the paradise that I created for me and Tetsuya, huh? I’ll make sure they’ll suffer. But before that, I’ll have to clear my name on Tetsuya. I don’t care if our friends are still skeptical of me, but I don’t want to Tetsuya to keep on thinking that I really cheated on him. 

They’re lucky I got on time to save my Tetsuya. Because if Tetsuya really ends up dead, I’ll make sure that everyone who orchestrated this beautiful crime of cornering me would be cleansed off the face of the earth. Never to be mention again.

You could Never get away from me.


Kuroko’s POV

I could feel cold, menacing, sinister aura coming out from Akashi-kun. It’s like he’s planning on something sinister that would be better for me not to know.

It’s like the life of someone unfortunate (I pray for his soul) is about to be called back to heaven.

“Akashi-kun…” I murmured drowsily.

“Yes, my love?”

“You’re thinking of something bad, aren’t you?”

“…..” He blinked at me multiple times before he gave me seductive smile. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t you dare lie to me. Remember that I’m still mad at you and I could still accept Midorima-kun’s offer to stay with him.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “Are you… threatening me?”

“it’s not a threat.”

“Fine. I’ll tell you everything once we get back.”



“Even… the cheating?”


“And that envelope?”

“What envelop?” He asked, his tone that of feigning innocence.

“You know what I’m talking about.” I said firmly. “You’re trying to earn my trust again, right?”

“…..” He stayed still, quietly staring at me for a while before letting out a smile. “I could never win against you, huh?”


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