Chapter 7: I really really love you, Kurokocchi.

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Kise’s POV

Kurokocchi’s about to be discharged today and I decided that today is that day that I’ll ask him for another chance. Taking advantage of the fact that Akashicchi left the hospital, I sneaked in to visit Kurokocchi, bring along flowers.



“Kurokocchi, here. I bought you flowers.” I gave him the flowers and sat by the chair beside his bed.

“Thank you for the flowers Kise-kun but you do know that I’m about to go home, now, right?”

“I know and I don’t approve of your decision, Kurokocchi.” I answered. “You don’t have to be with Akashicchi if you’re just thinking about the child. I will help you get back on your feet Kurokocchi.”

“Don’t misunderstand, Kise-kun. I’m not doing this because of the child. I still love Akashi-kun. I really love him.”

“You almost killed yourself because of him!” I stood up and grabbed his shoulders. “Come with me, Kurokocchi. I’ll take care of you and the mini Kurokocchi inside of you. We’ll run away, run away from AKashicchi!”


“I love you Kurokocchi! I really really love you Kurokocchi!”

“Am I hearing it right, Ryouta?” I could feel Akashicchi’s dark menacing aura behind me. He’s really scary but I have to stood my ground for my love. “Are you really confessing to my lover?”

“Yes. You hear me right.” I answered back. “You don’t have the right to call him your lover anymore! You gave him so much pain that he almost killed himself for it!”

“Hmmm…” Akashicchi smirked dangerously as he looked over to Kurokocchi. “What do you say about his confession, love?”

“I apologize, Kise-kun. I am with Akashi-kun, I’m still and like I told you a while ago, am really in love with him.” He bowed his head at me apologetically. “I hope you understand.”


Akashicchi indirectly kicked me out of Kurokocchi’s room.

With my heart in a turmoil and my head in a mess, I went outside the hospital and went to get some fresh air. Inhaling deeply, I tried my best to calm myself down.

“You seem pretty lost.” A woman wearing a red dress said.

“Who are you?”

“You don’t need to get so defensive.” She said as she leaned close to my ears. “I can help you get him.”

“Get him?”

“Kuroko Tetsuya.” She leaned back with a scheming smile on her face. “You want him, right?”


Kuroko’s POV

I was watching Akashi-kun as he packed my things. He said that he’s already arranged everything and we’re just waiting for Midorima-kun to come and give us the list of what to do and what not to do as soon as we got back home.

I could see him glimpse at the flowers that Kise-kun gave me a while ago and it’s evident in his face that he’s somewhat annoyed. “Akashi-kun…”

“What is it, love?” Akashi-kun stopped what he was doing and he came over to me.

“Are you bothered with Kise-kun’s confession?” I asked bluntly.

He let out a sigh. “I am. I am, Tetsuya.”


“I am afraid that he’ll be able to take you away from me.”

I opened my arms and nodded to Akashi-kun. “Come here, Akasshi-kun.” Akashi-kun came and let himself get engulfed in my arms. “I love you, Akashi-kun. I love you so much, that I’d rather die than live without you.”

Akashi-kun hugged me tighter. “Tetsuya, don’t ever say that again…”

“Akashi-kun, not to tight. Our baby’s gonna get squashed.”

He chuckled lightly as he let me go. He bends down to kiss my belly. “Sorry, baby.” And went up to kiss my lips. “Sorry, love.”

“Stop sulking, alright?” I asked.

“I will.”

I buried my face on his chest and took in as much scent of him as I can.

“You really love smelling me, love.”

I look up to him with a slight blush on my face.  “Is that bad?”

“No. It's not.” He answered as he pulled me in an intimate kiss; unaware of the looming danger that's about to befall on our lives.

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