Chapter 1

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=Claire's P.O.V.=

I bang the cooking pan down as I find there is no flame coming from the stove. God damn power must be out again.. . I leave the room and go down the short flight of stairs to the main room, and over to Luke's mattress to shake him awake. "Luke! Get up you lazy ass, the powers out again," I whisper carefully as to not wake my mum and dad. He rubs his eyes and stares at me, then sighs and plops down his hands on the covers. "Do I haaavvvee to?" He says with a slight whine. I put my hands on my hips, "Yes, or else we all go without breakfast, your choice."

He staggers out of bed and throws on a shirt, then comes back upstairs with me. The generator is inside the house, so me and him have to brave a trip upstairs to fix it. I grab my pistol off the shelf on the wall by the stairs and he grabs his, along with his axe. The trapdoor creaks as I slowly lift it up enough for me to peek out, it seems nothing is inside at the moment. I quietly climb out and peek around the corner, then signal Luke to follow. We travel over to our old living room, where in the corner sits the old-as-shit generator. He squats down and opens the panel to fix it, while I catch a glimpse outside through the window.

There's walkers all down the street, I guess looking for new prey. Our house is slightly farther into the woods in the back, so they don't seem to notice us as much. I do notice though one in a pink shirt with messy what-used-to-be-straight hair walking by. I wince, she was my friend across the street.


After a few minutes, Luke slams the panel fold back down and stands up. "God damn Luke, do you want every single walker out there to hear us?" He shrugs and passes me as he goes back to the trapdoor, and gives me a sheepish look as he opens it as if expecting me to go first. I give him a sneer as I clamber down and put my pistol back on the shelf, and he does the same. "Thank you for fixing the generator.." I say as I retry the stove, it works. "No problem, just don't wake me up again," he says as he falls back onto his mattress. I roll my eyes, idiot.

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