Chapter 5 - Bye Bye

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Walking into the party, everyones eyes were stuck on Maria and I. The music was really cool and I wanted to learn to dance. But then I just started feeling realy uncomfortable, and was about to go outside to take some air, when I was stopped by the same boy from last time. "I cant believe my eyes. Ms. Goody two - shoes, is this you. Such a hot - mama. Is this all for me?" He spoke with a husky voice I found really sexy. "I - its kind of a oneday thing. I'll be back to normal me tomorrow." I replied nervously, and I asked myself how i could let out so many words when i could barely speak. "You up for a litle game?" He asked. "I have to find Maria" I replied too quickly. "Come, let me give you a little gift. Dont worry, I  not gonna hurt you." He got really close to my face and I could smell the alcohol in his breath. Maybe this wasn't a good idea, I thought, but gave up too soon and followed him.

He pulled out two beers for us. I  was reluctant, but he made me taste it. It was a actually a nice cool refreshing drink, and soon I was begging internally for more. "Have you ever drank alcohol before?" he asked, snapping me back to reality. I  have just realized that this was my first drink ever! OMG what was I doing? I'm not supposed to be drinking.but it actually tasted very pleasant. I liked the taste of this beer. Maybe i might fit in here.

"Let me show you something else." He said. I followed in back of him and didn't miss how nice his body was. "I don't even know your name." I said little after. "Jake" he responded. After a while of walking, he opened a door and led me in. I don't know if the alcohol was making its way into my head, but i didn't respond to the action. He made a move on me and I was quick to push him off, that was a mistake.

"I told you not to mess with me." He said, and a moment later he forced kissed me. That was my first kiss ever. It felt really sweet and light, and I actually enjoyed it. I kissed him back and let him take control. Maybe it was the alcohol, I wasn't sure but I couldn't stop. In a matter of seconds we tumbled onto the bed. "Stop!" I said in a hushed way. "I can't now" he said with anger in his voice, or atleast what it sounded like. and tried to pull away. At that, he stripped off my top. He started kissing my neck and went down to my jaw. His light kisses put me on edge, but i was stuck between if I enjoyed it or hated it. He didn't let go, it kind of scared me. Then he ripped of the rest off my clothes, and I knew he was going to rape me. I tried to get him off me and he got stronger. I let out a worried cry but he didn't budge. And that was the night I lost my virginity, what I most valued, to a drunken guy at a party.

The rest of the night stayed blurred in my memories. All i could remember was begging him to let go of me, to stop. He thrusted into me, taking away all I ever valued. When he got his release, he threw me on the floor and threw some bills at me and left me alone that night.

When I woke up and saw that I had money all over me, I burst into tears. My virginity was taken away, and I felt like a stripper. Who does that? That morning, I was changed that morning. No one will ever treat me like that. I won't be anybody's toy. I wont be used, I won't be played. Bye bye good girl.

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