Chapter 17 - Trial

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I have been in jail for a little while now. My belly is 5 months now, so you can aleady imagine. Today I have to go to court and get my final veredict. I could either be guilty and get charged for murder and go to jail for God knows how long, or be innocent and be free in a couple of weeks or sooner. I have barely spoken to agent Morgan and he has given me no news of how the investigation is going along. But I guess it is finalized and thats why I am going to court. I also wonder if I will be going in with Jake or if there are other people as well. Morgan told me that we were 'part' of a murder, not that we killed her.

I'm also concerned about that girl and what really happened to her. I want to know her story and why she was killed. Its like a mystery to me that I hope I will get answers to.

My dad came to New York to see me and hear from my mouth what has been going on. He, along with my brother have been very supportive with this whole baby thing. I let them know that I was rapped because that is the essential part that lets them know that I haven't been sleeping around. My dad has lawyers to help me and he believes in me. I am very happy with the support that I have been getting. They let me have visitors since I've been behaving. I have seen all my family and Maria is doing very well with the baby. Her bump is smaller than mine and we always talk about our babies and end up crying thinking about if they will let me be free so our babies could be together. Elsa has also visited me. All in all everything has been going better then expected.

Everything except for Jake that is. I haven't spoken to him since. And I have a long time thinking about it all and I have come to the time when I just want to know why he did it. Why did he hurt me like this? By now my pain has subsided to anger and furry.

But I have to forget about him and just think of my baby and how I will leave this place and raise him or her. Soon I will find out its sex! Very soon. Too bad I have to be stuck here. I wish I was free and could enjoy my pregnancy like any other normal woman or even teenage girl for that matter.

This investigation has lasted 3 months and I'm here praying and crying and talking to my baby. Looking for hope where there is none. Searching for air to breathe. Searching for some mercy. The only thing keeping me from breaking is this baby in my belly. This baby that tells me that everything is going to be okay. Telling me that we will pull through together and be happy soon. This baby inside me is my only bit of peace and sanity I have left. I don't want to raise this baby here in this disgusting jail cell. She deserves better. She deserves much better then this. Or he. 

Jake POV

Three fucking months without seeing her. Without touching or caressing her. Three months without seeing her belly grow, my baby grow. I don't know what has happened ever since. I just know that Stephanie showed her that fucking video that I never even knew she had. She fucked up my life completely. All I had was Lisa and now I have nothing. I felt so happy with her. I was becoming a better man with her by my side. I didn't feel so incomplete lately. I finally felt like I had something to live for, a reason for waking up each morning. A soulmate that would now be giving me a baby. I am a father, and she promised that no matter what happens, that baby will be mine by law. She promised me that no matter what I will be the legal father of that baby, and that the baby would own my last name.

Gosh she hates me. I know her well enough to know that she isn't sad or deppresed anymore. She is just angry and furious with me. She doesn't want to see me ever again. And I deserve it . I should have never let myself get so taken back by Stephanie. I should have never let her use her wicked seduction powers on me. Look what it has done to me. It completely ruined me. I lay back on the bed and put my arms crossed suporting my head in frustration. I'm waiting to be called to leave this place and see the outside world for a bit. Even if I'm still cuffed and guarded by a whole bunch of cops, I will see something different.

It felt like a whole century later, when a guard comes followed by a group of people. He bangs on the bars and calls me down. I jump off the top bunk and reach to the bars in split seconds. As soon as he opens the lock, he puts the cuffs on me and hands me over to another cop. They lead me through the place and outside to the police jeep. The ride was long and full of conflictions going on in my head. Will I be a free man? Or will I spend the rest of my life in jail? Those two questions kept roaming my head. The feeling, the stuff that will happen afterward was all I could think of. "Sir, remember not to answer in depth. Let us do all the talking, unless the judge asks you a question." I just nodded. I didn't pay attention to my lawyer nor did I pay attention to anything. I just followed along and nodded. "I won't put my freedom at risk, I know what to do."

What I'm most excited about is seeing Lisa and getting to talk to her. I need to hear the calmness of her voice today. I feel like I have years without seeing her and this agony is killing me.

I take my seat in the court room and see that she isn't here, which makes my heart start to beat faster. Is she okay? Why isn't she here? Is she going to be late? Did anything happen to our baby? Oh my God, what is happening? I'm starting to sweat when I hear the doors open and my head becomes heavy. I can't manage to turn around and face Lisa. I'm trying so hard but my head won't budge. Finally I feel like hours have gone by and my head slowly starts turning. I see her. I see her beautiful self and I see the bump. I can't help but smile because that is my baby. And I see her face, her eyes look sad and she has bags under them. Isn't that unhealthy for the baby? If she isn't healthy, then the baby isn't, and I don't judge her because I know it isn't her fault. That is why I can't wait till all this is done and over with so we can be happy finally, if that is even possible.

The whole court session has been a battle back and forth between if we killed that girl an that we didn't. Finally, they let agent Morgan speak. He has believed in us and I know he will help us here.

I look over at Lisa who hasn't spoken yet and she grabs on to that necklace her brother gave her. She never takes it off I realized. She always had it with her. Her eyes start to water and I hold her hand. She kind of shivers at the touch and hesitated but then joined her fingers with mine. She needed someone by her side and even if she was mad at me, she needed me, and that made me.

"Investigating this case wasn't like the usual. This murder scene was extremely thought through and set up. We went looking at the places they said they were at, and they were at all those places. The murder ocurred aproximately from 4 to 5 p.m., at which times they were together at a resturant and piercing shop. We were able to track down who killed Joselyn Perez..."


He said Stephanie.

She killed this girl.

We were declared inocent! I can finally be free and start again. I want to leave this gang for good.

Once the trial was over, my goal was to talk to Lisa. I want to show Lisa that we can make a great family together. As I thought that, she passed by me and I went after her.

" Lisa baby, we need to talk."

"You said it all kissing her. I'm not stupid, I know when that was."

"But let me explain. I went there to -"

" I don't care."

"Lisa I love you-"

She smacked the holy shit out of me. I think my cheeks turned red. But my check didn't hurt, my heart did. 

"Don't you dare."

I felt so hurt. Will she ever believe me again?

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