With a Flick Of the Wrist

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My phone buzzed sending my hole body into a panic. I reached down not wanting to read the text I knew I should have received hours ago.

I pushed the unlock button at the top of my iPhone. The message I had received wasn't in fact the message I was almost hoping for.

To: Abigail

From: Bimbo A

Hey girlys! ;) I know all of you are dying for an update on the game and I figured it was time to give it to you!

1. Jenna Johnson

2. Sadie Helpler

3. Kelsey Ray

4. Jess Mcray

5. Emily Rose

That's it for this week I hope all you girls are working hard to place! Don't forget that once you have you have to contact one of us and tell us along with the boy confirming it! Yeah girlys! love you all:} go get umm.

Was it actually possible that every time I read a text from her or even heard her talk I lost brain cells? how could she possibly use girlys so many times in one text..

I couldn't focus my brain was bouncing in every which direction. I couldn't wait any longer. He was supposed to be here and hour ago! What was I even thinking?

Instead of letting my mind go crazy I figured I would help my mom make dinner.

As I walked down the stairs I could smell the steak cooking on the grill. ever since I was younger I was in love with that smell.

I hurried into the kitchen placing my hand on my moms shoulder and smiling.

"Is their anything you want me to do" I questioned.

"No sweetheart everything is taken care of, you could go set the table thought."

"Sure I will"

I placed everything at the table. When I was done I grabbed the pitcher and filled it with water and ice and set it on the table along with a cup for each person.

My hands were shaking and I could keep still. My parents probability thought I was crazy. I ran back up to my room to make sure I looked okay doing one last run through of everything.

I could hear the buzz of a car pulling up into our drive way. I smoothed out my dress took one deep breath and headed down the stairs. Right as I got to the living room the door bell rang I looked over my shoulder and smiled at my parents, my dad with my mom pulled close and his arm over her.

I sighed I hoped that we could be like this one day. I let my hand find the door handle and with a flick of the wrist I opened the door to my future.

- so it up:) who do you think is on the other side of the door! I'll give you a hint tall and handsome! next chapter will be up shortly!

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