The Realization

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~This part is going to be in Colon's point of view! if you don't like  it comment and ill make sure not to put another part just about him.

I knew for a certainty that she would probably never talk to me again. What was I thinking? I shouldn't have kissed her yet I did. Maybe that wasn't such a bad thing. At least now she knew how I felt. Wait a minute, didn't even know how I felt so how in the hell was she supposed to know.

 I didn't even know I liked her till I saw her kissing James the other night. As soon as I saw her kissing him I knew that I could have her do that with anyone but me. I couldn't even pin point when these feeling started happening. Maybe it was because before this she was never kissing someone else.

I could dwindle on this any longer I needed to get up and get ready. I pulled my body out of the bed. Placing my feet into the freezing cold wood that cover my whole floor wall to wall. I used my tires arms to push my self off the bed.

 As I reached my closet I pulled open the draw with my shirts . Pulling out my lucky red shirt, and then pulling out my favorite pair of blue jeans. I didn't understand how they weren't falling apart I had worn them so much.

After putting on my clothes I rushed to the bath room to brush my teeth ad fix any hairs that were sticking up.  Mom had laid out my breakfast on the table. I sat their eating my bacon and pulling on my socks. I wondered if I should wear my converse or my vans. Eventually i caved and wore my  vans like always. I didn't even know why I had those converse they hadn't been worn since the week I bought them.

I got into my truck being home felt weird but after last night I knew I wasn't the most welcome guest at their house. Which was weird because for as long as I could remember that house was my get away ever since the wreck. After that dad had become dependant on his daily drink of bose and couldn't really manage to stop at just one. Mom could really stand to look at him and didn't come home most nights, she showed up to make breakfast and then was gone almost as soon as she came.

When I was younger I would spend weeks on end at their house. At one point I almost forgot that I had  a shitty father at home waiting for me. At least when he was drunk he never hit us. By the time we had gotten home he was passed out somewhere in the house. 

I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. My mind finally started to clear as I pulled up into the school parking lot. I stepped out of th truck pulling my backpack out with me, slamming the heavy truck door behind me.  

Just as I was walking towards the door I felt a hand on my shoulder, I could only Hope that it was her but my the force that was behind it I knew it wasn't her.

"Hey man" said Josh.

"Not much dude."

"Hey I swung by Abs house last night you weren't there, where you at?"

"Went home" was all I could manage.

Josh looked at me wide eyed every one of my friends knew that i was hardly ever at home. To be completely honest I couldn't believe I went home either. All i could think was I didn't have another place i truly felt at home.

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