Chapter 1: New Beginning

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Today was the first day of my new life. Before I get into that, let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Ava Marx and I am 21 years. I just moved to New York city. I couldn't be more excited and scared at the same time. 

           I recently got my associates degree for psychology. I was working on my bachelor's degree. But let's just say life has a funny way of changing your plans. I did live in sunny Redondo Beach, California. But now here I am in the dead of winter in New York City, New York. 

              What could be so bad to leave sunny Cali for winter in the big apple, you might ask. "Deep breaths," I say to myself.  His name was Braxton and let's just say his looks were about the only good thing he had to offer.

             He was cruel man and after what happened I had to run. I had to run as far and as hard as I could away from that man. I wouldn't allow my family to dictate my life for me anymore. Even if it meant giving up the only life I have ever known. 

         After several hours of walking around and exploring New York City, Ava came across Travis Enterprises. "Hmmm this looks good. Maybe they are hiring." Ava said to herself.  Ava enters the lobby of Travis Enterprises. After living in a place like California, she thought she would be use to the fast pace life of New York. But boy was she ever so wrong.

        Ava makes her way through the crowd of men and women. All dressed so professionally with the men in tailored suits and ties. The woman in either tailored pant suits or tailored skirt suits. She felt out of place, but refused to let it get her down. Though she was not dressed like them and poised like them around her. She had a confidence about her that couldn't be turned down.

         Ava picked her head up and walked to the front desk. Stood there a beautiful woman with long sunkissed brown hair and the most piercing  hazel eyes she had ever seen. "Welcome to Travis Enterprises, how can I be of assistance today?, " said the lady. " Hi my name is Ava Marx, I was wondering if there was any positions open, " said Ava.  " Let me take a look Ava," said the lady. 

         After a few moments in walked this tall man. He must have about 6'3". He definitely towered over Ava considering she was a meer 5'1". But her confidence made her stand taller. Ava could feel a pair of eyes staring at her. But she was a little nervous to look. As the elevator opened, she hoped it would be her chance to take a quick glance.

        Ava turned her head ever so slightly, so it wouldn't be as obvious to what she was doing. She caught a good look at a tall man wearing a very expensive tailored suit. Then she started looking from his feet up.  She noticed how the material clung to his well sculpted body. She wasn't oblivious to this type of body. Seeing as where she lived, men walked around with bodies like that all the time. But this one was different. Even though she could imagine what his body looked like, she wanted to know. More like needed to know. She never felt a need for a man like this before. Just as she was going to glance at his face. She caught a glimpse of a smirk. That's when the elevator doors shut.

         " Oh god...," Ava sighs. "What was that?," the lady says. Avas cheeks flushed in embarrassment. " Nothing I uh...," Ava began to stutter. "Ring Ring...," the front desk began to ring. " Excuse me one moment Ava," the lady says. " Of course," Ava replies. 

" Yes sir....if course....right away...," the lady says and then hangs up the phone. " Well Ava it looks as if we have a opening for a personal assistant," the lady says. Ava nods and says "Okay." " You can take the elevator to floor 44 and ask Janet at the reception desk to point you to Mr. Travis office," said the lady. " Okay I will do that. Thank you uh..I didn't catch your name," said Ava.

       " My name is Sabrina," said Sabrina. "Well thank you again Sabrina and it was nice meeting you," said Ava. " To it welcome Ava and it was nice meeting you as well," replied Sabrina.

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