Chapter 2: Let The Games Begin

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Ava turned on some music to relax and that's when she heard a knock at the door. She didn't tell anyone where she was. But then started thinking maybe someone got confused and thought someone else lived her. She quickly wrapped herself in a towel and answered the door.

As she answered the door all she could see was the dark haired handsome man Dylan. As his eyes scanned her body, she remembered that she was just standing there in a towel and dripping wet. With a instant feeling of embarrassment, Ava started running her arm and taking slow shallow breaths. "No need to be nervous doll. You look breathtaking," Dylan says as he flashes here one of his infamous smiles that shows his beautiful pearly white teeth. In one hand Dylan was holding a bag that looked like chinese food. In the other hand he held a six pack of beer.

Dylan gives Ava one of those smiles that says it all. She nods and gestures him to come inside. Lucky for her the apartment came furnished so they could have a place to sit and hang out. "I'll be right back," Ava says as she gestures for Dylan to have a seat.

"Ok take your time," replies Dylan. He unpacks the food and cracks open a beer. "Hey do you drink beer?" Dylan yells. Ava replies ," Yes I do. If you brought me wine I would not have let you come in." Dylan chuckles and says, " You didnt seem like that kind of girl." As he finished his sentence. Ava enters the livingroom with a loose fitted white tee shirt that went to her belly button. Along with a pair of gray shorts that clung to her curves. Let's just say her legs and butt proved to be a little much for the shorts. So her shorts just barely covered her butt. Matched with that she had on a pair of tube socks that went up to her knees.

With his mouth hanging open Dylan couldn't believe his eyes. Though he knew Ava was a gorgeous woman in her white button up shirt and charcoal gray pencil skirt . He didn't think she could get anymore beautiful. "Wow," Dylan says almost as a whisper. With a look of confusion on her face Ava replies," What? Is something wrong?" Dylan shakes his head no and says," No nothing is wrong Ava. Its just that..." Before he could finish Ava cuts him off and says, " I know I don't have the body like the girls in the office do. But these clothes are comfy." Dylan couldn't believe his ears. All he could think to himself was is she foreal. Does she not see what im looking at. As if she couldn't have gotten anymore beautiful. Ava throws on a pair of glasses, cracks open a beer and puts the Giants game on. " Well damn you like football?," said Dylan.

Ava nods her head and replies," Yeah but I'm a 49'er fan." "Hmmm," Dylan says as he ponders what to ask next. "So 49'ers aye. Why do you like them?," Dylan says. Ava replies," Well I grew up in Cali. I was close to my father. He would take me to the home games every year." Ava began choking on her words. The thought of leaving her family was becoming tougher then she ever thought it would be. "It was as if Dylan could sense the turmoil brewing in my head. He began talking to me. About bow he moved here two years ago from Florida and how his family is still there. But that the opportunity to work for Travis Enterprises was to great to pass up. So he packed up and moved here. But he still stays in contact with his parents and younger sister Lauren.," Ava thought to herself.

Minutes turned to one hour and one hour turned into 6. It was now 1am, Dylan and I fell asleep talking. I couldn't tell you who won the game. But what I can tell you is that Dylan is not what i expected. I felt a pair of hands carrying me and a smell of oak and fresh cotton. I felt safe and the smell was intoxicating. I knew it could have only been Dylan. He must have woke up and noticed we feel asleep.

I felt him open the door but my body never shifted. Boy was this man strong. I know that i was not light. On a good day i weighed about 140-145lbs. I never use to be this heavy. Let's just say my past made me hate myself. So I started not to care what i ate and no longer took care of my body.

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