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see me through a broken glass,

with a shattered heart that never seems to pass,

I love you but pain was made known

two souls collided, crashed, then fall


"I'll pick you up at 10, okay?" Jennie said as she stopped in front of Soo-young's house. I nodded in agreement and kissed her goodbye. "Babe, don't worry you'll be fine." was the last words Jennie said to ease my anxiousness.

Admittingly, I've been nervous throughout the ride, I don't know if they will be awkward or it will be as the same as before. I stood at the doorstep while knocking three times. My posture was unsettling so I kept twisting my body out of agitation.

Not a minute went by, the big wooden door was opened and I was greeted by Soo-young. "Rosé! Finally you're here." Soo-young immediately called out her parents I heard their voices saying they are coming to meet me at the front door.

"Omo! My Park Chaeyoung I've missed you so much!" And for the first time in the longest time, I embraced Soo-young's parents again. Aunt Seoyeon and Uncle Minjun. They all greeted me with joyful faces and we hugged tighter than ever.

"Look at you! You even grew prettier in a year!" Uncle Minjun teased in Korean.

Aunt Seoyeon was about to tear up when she held me into her arms again. I also felt emotional.

They never changed. I thought as Aunt Seoyeon was holding my hand when we were on our way to the dining room to eat.

The dining room was obviously newly furnished, it was squeaky white which accentuates the dark square table in the middle of the room as pot flowers hang on the brazen white walls of each corner, the ceiling was high which made the room look bigger. I naturally liked it but it can never compare to their dining room back in Melbourne which held back a lot of memories. It was more meaningful to me.

We settled in the square table as dinner was being served. Their house was a bit smaller than they had in Melbourne, but it still gave me the cozy and warm feeling. It still feels so comfortable to be around them. Just like before.


Gladly half an hour passed by with no drama involved, surprisingly Soo-young was very cooperative in a sense that she always nods at my white lie statements. Honestly we're not half-way done with our conversation, but the dessert was already served meaning the dinner was about to end.

We were talking about the times when Sooyoung and I almost burned the house while we were cooking turkey for family thanksgiving, since her family and mine decided to celebrate together.

"How unmindful both of you were, you forgot to pull out a turkey on an oven just because you were busy watching a movie! Who does that?!" Uncle Minjin cackled again. Soo-young and I shared sly looks at each other, knowing that it wasn't the reason why we forgot to turn off the oven.

They settled their laughs and the atmosphere became clear and tame, but all the more awkward. I suddenly didn't knew what to do so I drank a glass of wine just because it was an unsettling situation. Family dinners are so weird, one minute you crack your jaw laughing and the next you just find yourself drowning in awkwardness due to the profound atmosphere. I thought.

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