Chapter Fourteen

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The next morning, Sal decided to walk himself to school, giving him some time to himself to clear his head from the thoughts swamping his mind. He had hardly slept throughout the night, the constant worry of Bryony finding out that Brian knew of their night together panicking him.

As Sal stepped his way along the path, rounding the corner into the school grounds, he heard a car door shut from behind him. He turned, coming to find Bryony exiting her father's car, waving him off, before turning towards Sal. She stopped, seeing Sal staring at her. Before she could say anything, Sal ran up to her, wrapping his arms around her body, and pulled her into a tight embrace. He kissed at her head multiple times, hearing a light laugh come from the girl.

"I missed you!" He exclaimed, pulling away slightly to peer down to her. Bryony smiled, as she shook her head.

"I was only gone a day, Sal." She chuckled, placing a single kiss to his lips. "But I missed you too."

"I don't care if it's a mere minute that you're not with me, I always miss you, Bryony."

Sal took Bryony by the hand, as they walked into the building, making their way to the canteen, where the others were bound to be sitting. As they entered the room, Sal soon found their friends, as he guided her through the mess of tables and students. Beth noticed first, as she looked up and smiled at them both.

"Welcome back." She greeted, gaining the attention of the group, as they all turned to face Sal and Bryony. Mutters of greetings were thrown back and forth amongst the group, as Sal took a seat at the table, with Bryony sitting next to him.

All eyes were on Bryony, as her cheeks flushed a bright red, feeling partially intimidated by the stares locked on her every move. Bessy could sense that something was still off with the girl, as she placed a hand to her arm. Bryony looked at her innocently, as Bessy whispered to her.

"Are you okay? You look pale..." She asked in hushed tones, receiving a nod of the head from Bryony.

"I-I'm fine." She answered. Bessy looked at her worryingly, as both Beth and Rachel caught on to the flustered expression playing on Bryony's features. The four boys started to talk amongst themselves, as Bryony sat quietly. Her eyes remained fixated on her hands, as she felt the girls' stares burrow into her. She didn't like it when the attention was on her, the sense of uncomfortableness writhing through her body.

Rachel knew that Bryony was hiding something, she didn't seem herself. Rachel stood from her spot on the table, grabbing her schoolbag, as she gestured for the girls to follow her.

"We're just going to the bathroom, we'll see you boys in class." She announced, as Beth and Bessy followed her, basically pulling Bryony with them by her arms. James and Joe furrowed their eyebrows, watching, as all four girls left the boys at the table.

"Why do girls always have to go on some group trip to the bathroom together?" James laughed, as the others shrugged their shoulders.

"Girls confuse me." Joe commented, as Brian raised a brow at the boy.

"That doesn't surprise me, Dude." He chuckled, as Joe punched at his arm.

"Shut it." Joe snapped, as Brian held his hands up defensively.

"Hey," He shrugged. "I'm just're the only one of us who hasn't lost it yet."

Sal's eyes shifted onto Brian at his words, fear stricken across his face. A sheepish look swept across Brian's face, as he mouthed an apology to Sal. Noticing the exchanging of glances between the two, James became suspicious.

"What do you mean?" He asked, looking between both Sal and Brian. "Sal hasn't-"

"Nice one, Brian." Sal spat, with a glower upon his face, as he slammed his fist down atop of the table.

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