Chapter Six

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Sal laid wrapped up underneath his bed covers, as the morning rays of sun shone through his curtains. He kept his eyes screwed shut, turning away from the light, pulling the covers over his head, the previous night racing through his mind. Thankfully, the weekend was there to stall seeing Bryony again, he knew that it was going to be hard for him to face her, but he had to at some point. They couldn't go the whole school year without having to speak to one another.

There was a knock at his bedroom door, as Sal threw the pillow over his head, groaning to himself. He listened out, when he heard the sound of his bedroom door opening. The mattress soon dipped, as Sal felt a hand being placed to his back, knowing immediately that it was his mother. He turned his head, looking up sleepily at her, as she smiled at him. She moved her hand to his head, brushing his hair back.

"Morning, Sweetie." His mother greeted, as his eyes slowly adjusted to the light.

"Morning, Ma." He responded, his voice slightly deepened, with the tiredness still evident.

"How was the party last night?"

"Eh," Sal shrugged, sitting up in his bed, as he looked at her. "It was okay..."

His mother studied him, seeing her son's eyes bloodshot, and the darkened circles underneath. She placed her hand to his chin, turning his head to study him, as her suspicions arose.

"Have you been drinking?" She accused. Sal tutted, as he batted her hand away from him, shaking his head to her question.

"No, Ma...I just...I'm tired still." He answered, as her eyebrows furrowed at him.

"Have you been crying, Son?" She asked cautiously, stumping the boy. He looked into her eyes, swallowing hard, before shaking his head nervously. The truth is, Sal had been crying, the emotions over the night prior effecting him more than he'd like to admit. He was conflicted; with himself, with Bryony, and every single emotion involved. Her words rang through his head repeatedly, confusing him all the more. He prayed that it had been himself that Bryony had been referring to, but the fear that it hadn't, and that Sal had made a fool of himself poisoned his mind.

"I'm just tired, I promise, Ma." Sal spoke, his voice quiet, as his mother reluctantly accepted his answer. She didn't want to pressure him into talking.

"I'm here if you need to talk, Sweetheart." She smiled sincerely, standing from the bed. Sal laid back against the pillow, feeling his mother pull the covers back over his shoulders, as she patted at his back gently. "Get some more sleep, Sal."


Two weeks had passed since that night round at James' house, the awkward tension as clear as daylight between Sal and Bryony, and it was beginning to get to them both. They missed the closeness they had once shared, the ability to be able to comfort one another in their time of need. Sal had tried to get her alone to explain himself for what happened between them, but no matter how many times he tried, someone else would get in the way; whether it be Joe appearing out of nowhere, or Brian being desperate to show off the new cards to his collection.

Beth had even tried to get Bryony alone to speak to her, but she wouldn't open up, not until she had discussed it through with Sal. Bryony no longer joined in on the morning car rides, the thought of being confined within the backseat alone with Sal, whilst others were in earshot, scared her immensely.

One Wednesday morning, Sal had walked to school, wanting some time to himself to run over things inside of his head. He was the first to arrive out of the group, as he sauntered down to their form room, taking a seat at his desk. He pulled his homework out from his backpack, dropping it onto the table, as he got on with the equations set. He was in the middle of a question, hearing the door open from across the room. He glanced up, not taking much notice of who was at the door, before he shot his head up, staring at her. Bryony saw Sal, as she turned to leave the room. Her hand reached for the door handle, when a hand gripped at her arm to stop her from leaving so suddenly.

"Bryony, can we talk...please?" His voice asked, sending a tingle running down her spine. She turned to face him, dropping her gaze to the floor, as Sal guided her backwards, taking a seat on one of the desks at the front of the classroom. "I-I'm sorry about the other week."

A small chuckle passed her lips, as his eyes met with hers for the first time. His eyebrows arched, as she shook her head, letting her hand run down his arm.

"Don't be sorry, Sal." She smiled, as he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have to ask though, was it me that you were talking about?"

His question threw her off, as she swallowed her words. When Sal didn't receive an immediate response, he sighed to himself, fearing the worst. He stared down at the floor, not able to look the girl in the eye, before her timid voice spoke out.

"Yes." She answered, causing the boy to glance up, meeting her stare, as a small smile pulled at his lips.


"Of course it was, Sal. You've been all that I've thought about since the first moment that I laid eyes upon you." She expressed, witnessing his smile grow as her words flowed. "I feel this connection between us, like we're meant to be, but I was afraid..."

"Afraid of what?" He asked, unable to hide the crack in his voice.

"I was afraid that I was going to lose you as a friend if you ever found out."

"Bryony," Sal started, as their eyes met. "I'd never do that to you. We may have only known each other for a couple of weeks, but even after the first day I knew that I wanted more."

He held his hand out to hers, pulling her closer to him. "You have this way about you that I crave more of. You do things to me that no other girl has ever done."

Bryony felt the heat rise to her cheeks, as the blush stained her features. Sal, noticing her reaction, continued with what he was saying, finding the sudden courage to express how he really felt towards her. In his mind, it was now or never.

"Bryony, make me happy, just by that damned smile of yours. I'm captivated by you, and...and..." Sal paused, taking a breath, before he let his eyes lock with hers, green meeting grey. "I've wanted to ask you this since the day we met...but, Bryony, would you-"

"Don't worry guys, your favourite person has arrived!" Brian paraded into the classroom, as Sal and Bryony both turned to face him. Sal glowered, as Brian froze in his tracks, letting his arms drop to his sides. His eyes shifted between the two of them, clearing his throat. "Did I disturb something?"

"Yes." Sal muttered, his teeth gritted, biting back his venom, as Brian winced. He scratched at his head, slowly stepping back out of the room.

"My apologies..." He whispered, soon closing the door, leaving Sal and Bryony alone once again. Bryony turned to face him, watching, as a smile tugged at his lips, his eyes studying everything about her.

"Where was I?" Sal asked, as Bryony chuckled lightly. "Oh yeah, would you, Bryony, perhaps...maybe...I don't know, like to be my girlfriend?"

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