Well who said this was gonna be easy?

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"OKAY GUYS!"the head of Vampires said,"First one to grab the other team's flag wins and let the games begin!"

The werewolves came charging at us and we did the same as well. The games was something like the Percy Jackson movie where we fight to get each other flags.

I shot out by bloody sharp fangs and bit the werewolf who was trying attack me. It was Sam Portoff, OMG!! Wait, now it's not time to fangirl! I used my vampire strength and jumped up the trees.

Yes, it took place in the forest. Our team flag was located in a secret cave that was hidden behind thorny bushes. As for the werewolves, I had no idea. I continued jumping and gliding through trees, try to stay hidden of course.

I finally reached a place that I was not familiar with. Nobody was found there. Then a blue thing appeared behind the bushes next to the river. It was the werewolves flag! I'm so gonna grab it!

"Not so fast,"a growl was heard behind me.

"Wh-who is it?"I gulped.

"Sorry, but I'm not gonna lose today,"that familiar voice said and then he started to attack me. It was Carter Reynolds! I had no choice but to use all my strength and power to knock him down.

After that, I went to grab the flag. I had won! The head of werewolves came out of no where. He grabbed my arm and raised it up showing me that I had won. I won the freaking game!!!!

"OMG JESSIE BEAR!!!"Calum came running to be giving a bear hug.

"I WON I FREAKING WON!"I hugged the other three boys tightly.

"I'm hungry,"I pouted.

"Well, guess what. You are a full vampire now and you can eat food!!!"Michael cheered.

"YES!"I literally yelled out loud.


The smell of steak, pork ribs, grilled chicken, fried chicken, mash potatoes, pizza, burgers, French fries and hotdogs filled the whole room as we entered the lounge.

The boy had no mercy and raced to the buffet counter and started stuffing the food into their mouths. I did the same as well though. I am so freaking hungry until I don't care about what others think.

After that we had the water games. Each of us had to attach a piece of string stuck to our bottoms. We had to try to pulled each other's string until it came off. Only one could win he game. This time, Ashton had won!

A few mini games were held later and we were exhausted. We were having a fancy dinner and then we could do anything we want after that. 90% wanted to sleep. I was exhausted until all I thought was my dorm room. Then, I suddenly felt all the noise from the lounge room disappeared and I found myself in my dorm room!


I took out my phone a dialled Luke's number.

"Luke!!!! I can teleport!!!!!!"I yelled through the phone.

"OMG I gotta tell the boys!!!!!"he squealed.

"Okay, just so you know don't call me cause I'll be sleeping. Don't wake me or I'll kill you,"I said in a serious tone.

After that, he hung up and I went to bed. Nobody wakes me up when I sleep. Nobody! They'll get killed if they did.

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