He makes me happy

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I wish I could stay longer. I wish I was with Robert. He makes me so damn happy. His smile means the world to me. I've just arrived at Alaska. Its been 11 hours since I left. I tried sleeping but when I close my eyes I think of him. I keep asking myself why. Because I need him. He completes me.

I've been offered a paid drama course and of course I took it. This could be the first step to something big. The course is 12 months long and I'll get paid 100 dollars a month. I know its not much but its enough to pay rent and food ect. I quit Starbucks.

Me: Arrived :D

Robert: Me too :) miss you :/

Me: Miss you more :( tell dad I said hi

Robert: ok. I gtg, talk later, k?

Me: Sure, cya.

The thing is, we always seem like we have something. Sometimes I don't know how he means things. Like when he says "miss you", does he mean it as a close friends way or what? This connection is killing me.

My best friend Zoe picks me up from the airport.

"So. Who's this 'Robert' then??" She asks

"Uh, my dads friend. My friend I guess" I reply.

"No way. There's something more to this" she says. Damn she knows me

"No" I lie

"You 2 screwing?" She asks and my jaw drops a little

"What the fu-!! Nooo!" I say

"What is it then? Tell me! Or girl, I will find out" she says

"Fine" I say "He's really nice. He's hella fit too, like damnnnn, his abs!"

"Someone's got a crush!" Zoe jokes and I shove her.

"No. Yeah. But its more than that." I say, not lying.

"Haven't you only known him for like a few months?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Yes but-" I start but she cuts me off

"Is he really worth it?"

"Yeah. Yeah he is actually" I reply

"Prove it" she says. What the hell.

"How do you thi-" and then it hit me "look, you know how I went to London?"

"Yeah" she nods

"I did it because he was alone. But that's not the main reason. I didn't just do it because he needed me. I did it because I needed him" I say realising the truth.

"Oh wow that's deep dude" she says and I roll my eyes

"Oh fuck off" I say. I've never been the soppy love dove kinda person

"You want him that bad, huh?" She says and I nod

"But took that course remember? The 12 month one" I say

"Yeah and I think you should focus on it. Don't forget me when you're famous!" She demands jokingly

"Shut up" I say laughing. "But yeah. I really really like Robert. He's so perfect. But what the hell... Dads best friend."

"Yo... Um... How old is he again?" She asked, parking outside my apartment building.

"28..." I say

"Girl, if he's really the choice you wanna make, you should go for it before its too late" she says.

"Whevs, I don't think he even considers me anyway." I say. Honestly, I don't think he sees us anything more than just friends.

We get out the car and go into the building. We use the elevator and walk to my apartment. I get out my key and open the door. Ahh, home sweet. My apartment has 1 bedroom, a tiny kitchen and a joined living and dining room. It may not seem like much but I love it. Its the first thing I bought independently and I'm really proud of it.

~~About 1 month later~~

So this course is really cool. I'm paired up with a guy named Harrison Beddle. He's a really nice person. He's funny, kinda, cute. He's only a year older than me.
Its Friday. The course may be fun its exhausting! I'm going to a bar tonight, with Harry. I look in my wardrobe to pick out an outfit. Aw, I can see the one Robert gave to me. I miss him. Everything reminds me of him. I put on a some jeans and a t shirt. I have my hair down. I hear a knock on the door; that'll be him.

"Hey" I say opening the door

"Yo" he says. He's wearing a plain top and a hoodie.

"Let's move" I say and we leave. Its 10pm.

We arrive at the bar and and start drinking straight away. I'm underaged but whatever.

Robert POV

After she left, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I really need her. I keep try and keep sober but its too hard when she's not around. So its been around a month. I couldn't take it anymore. I want to tell her I need her. Its worth a shot right? Normally, I'd go out and find a girl to sleep with, but after I met her, I just haven't been the same.

I arrived in Alaska this afternoon. I booked a hotel room. Its 11:10pm raining outside. What do I do? Just knock on her door? I know where she lives. I don't want to be a creep so I'll just go to a bar tonight. I leave and go to the bar. I order some beer. I look around and spot the back of a head of someone familiar. Its her! Its Erin! What's she----? And why does some guy have his tongue down her throat. What the fu--. I feel my heart ache, shattering into a million pieces. My fists clench up and i feel my blood boil. I'm about to loose my temper as my anger and jealousy builds up inside me. I'm late. I'm too fucking Late. I burst out of the doors and run back to the hotel room. What is happening!? I guess she doesn't have feeling for me like I do for her. I don't want to let go of her. I need her. I do. I really do.

I lie down in pain. I guess karma is real. I told all those girls I loved them, just so I could sleep with them and now, i can't have the one person I truly want.

Should I still visit her in the morning? I can't. Its too painful. I don't even know anymore. I like her. I love her. But what even is wrong with me? 2 words. SHE IS JACOB'S FUCKING DAUGHTER. Ok, so that was 5 words but still.

I don't care how much it kills me inside but I need to see her. I just do. So I'll go in the morning.

Dad's Best Friend [Robert Downey Jr]Where stories live. Discover now