New Job

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I get back to LA. I think about the promise I made to Erin. I have got to stay sober.

I found a new job. I haven't applied for it yet but it seems decent. Drama teaching. At a really good university. The kids there are meant to be really talented. They're not really kids. They're not much younger than me. They're around 19-24. The reason I have an acting career is because I graduated early. My Dad was a producer too and he encouraged me. I haven't auditioned for any films for a few years now. I haven't really had any motivation to. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love acting. So this job should be better than writin
g shit for lecturers.

The university is called Saint Juway's University. I'm seriously considering that job. That's what dad would've wanted and I think that would be best for me. I mean, what could possibly go wrong, right?

So, I take the interview and apparently the job is mine. Its Thursday and I start on Monday. I just quit my job which means Jacob and I don't work together anymore. He's a little upset but he's happy for me. He's so chill and awesome about everything, god he's just a great friend.

I'm pretty excited, not gonna lie. Thing is though, I have some really shitty memories from a film I was in about 10 years ago

Getting back into acting, getting back into the game. It'll be a piece of cake. The salary is very well paid.

But a down side is that I have to be called 'Mr Downey'. It makes me sound old as hell and I hate it. Like, I can't stand it.

Anyways, I go to the bar.

Erin POV

So, Robert left. I never had him down as the playboy kinda guy. I mean, yeah he's super hot and yeah he's got the body. I guess it's not surprise that girls are all over him. I miss him. He's only just left. I hate the fact that he can make me an emotional wreck literally just my being present. Its fucking distracting but I love him. This course. If I do good, I could end up going to some good uni or something. 11 months to go.

My phone starts to ring. Its harry.

Me: "Hello?"

Harry: "Yo, so tell me about him!"

Me: "oh for fucks sake Harry"

Harry: "what!?"

Me: "fine. So he's my dads best friend. He's 28. I met him. Got to know him. Kinda fell for him. Can't stop thinking about him. Got it?"

Harry: "really though? You fell for you're dad's friend?"

Me: "oh shut up. He's the sweetest thing ever, you have no idea, man"

Harry: "you want him?"

Me: "oh hell yeah harry. Not only is he a gentleman, but he's also bloody handsome and he's got abs!!"

Harry: "oooo! You found yourself a man"

Me: "I wish, but the only thing is... He doesn't like me. Not more than a friend anyway"

Harry: "and how would you know that?"

Me: "he just isn't interested. He did tell me things that he hadn't told other people but"

Harry: "why don't you ask him?"

Me: "there is literally a million reasons why not"

Harry: "don't bullshit me"

Me: "look, I just don't want to loose the friendship me and Robert have right now, ok?"

Harry: "10 dollars says he likes you"

Me: "and 10 dollars says we'll never know"

Harry: "you boutta owe me 20 dollars. Anyways, gotta go. Wanna lift?"

Me: "Yeah sure"

Harry: "I'll be there at 7:30"

Me: "alright thanks, See you in a bit"

Harry: "bye"

I hang up. Harry isn't the type of guy I'd date but he's really close to me, you know, like a brother.

Anyway, its 7:20. I'm more or less ready, I'm just brushing my teeth. I'm practically ready.

I look out of the window and see Harry's car. I go down the elevator and go outside.

"Hey" I say hopping in.

"Yo, seatbelt" Harry says "imma ask him"

"Oh fuck off dude" I say

"Whattt?" He says "if you asked him, it would be awkward but if I ask him, you won't loose his friendship and you'll know if he wants you"

"No don't even Harry. What if I don't want to know?" I say

"And why wouldn't you want to know?" He says, his eyes were fixed on the road.

He may be the chattiest guy ever but for him safety always came first. Its kinda funny how cautious he is sometimes. I guess its for the best.

"Because. Because not knowing still gives me the tiniest amount of hope that he does like me. And finding out he doesn't would... It would completely break me" I whispered

"You really like him" he says

"Yes. I do" I mumble

We arrive and go inside.

"And scene!" I hear someone's voice eco around the building

We walk into our drama hall.

"Ahhh, good morning Miss Fuller, Mr Beddle" our drama teacher, Miss Shamm, exclaimed with a smile

Miss Shamm is a nice Lady. She can be quite strict at times but most of the time she's friendly and pretty fun.

We sit down with the rest of the class.

"Shhh" Miss Shamm's voice echos around.

"There is always going to be someone better than you in the acting business. Someone more talented... Better looking... Luckier. You can't control that. So you've got to leave it behind. Forget about it." She starts

"However, you will also meet people who are more hard working than you. People who are better trained... Who put a lot of time and effort into their work. You can somewhat control that. You can't control how much commitment others put in but you can control how much commitment you put in. And that is what's important" she continues


My head is totally blank 😂 I've finished writing a new part. But I can't finish writing the part after. I'm stuck on that 😂😂 I'll probably update in 3-4 days

Dad's Best Friend [Robert Downey Jr]Where stories live. Discover now