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The plane landed thirty minutes ago and its only 2pm. It arrived early. I'd go straight to daddy's but he's not excepting me for another 1 and a half hours and I know he'd be at work right now. So I'll just go hang out and go to places I used to love.

Roberts POV

"Now remember, my daughter, Erin, is coming in just over an hour," I hear my good friend Jacob shout from the other room.
"Yeah yeah, I know buddy, I've already tidied the living room like you told me to." I reply.
I know how much it means to Jacob and his wife Anne, because they haven't seen her in 2 years. She left just before Jacob and I became friends, so I've never met her.

Oh, yeah, I'm Robert by the way. I'm 27, I work in the same building as Jacob but I also have a small acting career. Nothing big yet, I've been in 2 or 3 films, never starring though. Well, once. I starred in a film in 2005 but after that it was all downhill. Anyway, I have my own house but I don't have a family and it gets lonely there so most of the time I stay at Jacobs.

"Thank you, Rob, really appreciate you helping out" he shouts.
"Anytime, Jakey," I say. "I'm gonna go out. I'll be back in 1 hour to meet your Erin. She sounds lovely" I say and I head for the door.

I don't know why, but I'm in the mood for some dancing.


There's this club called ........ and its amazing. I love it there. Its basically a large hall where people are always dancing, songs are always playing and you meet lovely people. I've got some time to kill before I meet Jacobs daughter and this is where I want to spend it. I'm wearing a black suit.

I look around, its dark and I don't have a dance partner

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I look around, its dark and I don't have a dance partner. I can't see much but I can see a dark figure of a girl who's alone sitting at the side bar. I walk over and offer her my hand to see if she's like to dance. She takes my hand and I say hi and she says hello back. This is how this club is, you don't need an introduction, you just dance. A new song is starting, its fast and for tango dancing!

I begin by spinning her once and we dance, coordinating with each other perfectly. Wow, she's a good dancer! The song is getting slower, my hands are on her waist, her hands are on my chest, we're swaying from side to side slower now. I still can't see her face but I feel a connection with her. The way she's moving.

The songs ending, and the dim lights begin to turn on. I finally see her. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She's so cute. She's got beautiful blue eyes and brown hair in a pony tail. I'm gazing into her eyes and she's staring into mine. We're both smiling, our faces getting closer. Suddenly, she pushes my away and says she has to go and its important.

"Wait, can I have your name at least?" I say hoping she'd tell me.
She smiles but says nothing and leaves. Damn it. She looked so perfect, I wish she'd stayed longer.

Its been 50 minutes since I left the house so I might as well drive home and meet Jacobs kid.

"I'm back," I shout as I walk in.
"Living room, Rob. My baby girls here!!" I hear Anne's voice yell back

Dad's Best Friend [Robert Downey Jr]Where stories live. Discover now