haha binch
guess whom it is
me motherfucker
i did a fuckin uhhhhhhh CAT STUDY im tryna get better at drawing cats because for some reason i'm terrible at it they always end up looking like dogs
it's those pesky extra vertebrae they have smh my head 😤
also practicing wind and side angles
so far i can only do sides if they have big triangle noses but ITS A STARt
also here's something i wanna try to do more often but i WONT
try to guess every character in this picture just try it i dare you i dOUBLE DARE YOU
kent mansley inspired doodle lmao
and a whIP
i was gonna keep it a surprise but if you can guess it exactly right down to the last detail i'll eat your ass AND give you a fully lined and colored request of ANYTHING LITERALLY ANYTHING