Sion Yoo was the most talented cello player of the eighth grade orchestra. Sion Yoo wrote an incredibly dark and detailed short story for her english project. Sion Yoo seemed like the typical goody two shoes but behind closed doors she watched k-drama religiously, compared boob sizes, and snuck into the boy's hotel rooms. Wherever she is now, I hope she's doing well. She was an inspiration.
(Please don't look her up or anything that's invasion of privacy)
the actual reason i called you all here today is because i legitimately need your opinions (details more than appreciated)
1) I'd like to think of this piece as completed- but there is a still a nagging voice that wonders if this is truly enough. is it?
2) this one is absolutely gorgeous but both my mother and myself insist that it looks incomplete. however, another part of me fears that if i add anything it'll ruin the painting. What do I do?
3) I started working on this gouache-on-glass painting. Despite being in the mere starting stage it already looks semiprofessional. This is making me think that I should just stop there. Should I?
4) this is a serious question okay- would it just be easier to digitalize this? or should i stick the what i know and color it traditionally?
my dudes i am so sorry about the lack of my cute and fun little doodles and instead these Big Fancy Art Pieces dont worry i hate this more than you do
it's just that i signed up for an AP class this year and it requires that i pull up on the first day of school with at least 6 completed high quality art pieces it's WILD!!!